This is the season when most people spend money they don’t have to buy gifts for people they barely like. At least, in the Western world, where there seems to be a cultural force to give gifts at Christmas time, they do. Such a culture might be the result of expert advertising and bold-face lying….
Month: December 2023
The Fruit You Produce
At this point on this journey on our way to good health, we like to assume you are no longer full of yourself. We also like to think you have eaten Jesus’ flesh and drunk his blood by believing in Him. Finally, we assume that the implanted word of God is starting to take root…
Your Father And Your Health
When you see a topic that links your father and your health, you immediately think of DNA. In its simplest definition, DNA is the carrier of genetic information. So, if your father or mother is black, you are likely to be born black, unless there is something fishy. If your father suffers from diabetes, you…
Church Masquerades
Every culture on earth has one or more masquerades but no culture associates them with the church. We concern ourselves with church masquerades on this journey to divine health for one reason and one reason only. Unless you heed the warning in this post, you may be deceived into thinking that Jesus is helpless to…