Most public forms that you needed to complete used to have a question on religion. I doubt that they do that anymore. But in those days, the options under religion included Christianity, Islam, and others. I don’t know about Islam and the others. However, I can tell you categorically that Christianity is not a religion. Anyone who aspires to please God must choose Christianity or religion. I know my choice.
Deciding To Choose Christianity Or Religion
In order to make a learned decision to either choose Christianity Or religion, you need to know more about each of them. We start with religion because that is what the world believes Christianity is. Don’t let it surprise you that there are Christians who don’t know the difference.
Religion was not a totally bad concept. First, it at least realized that there is a God. Secondly, acknowledges that man has offended this God – or a higher power – if that works better for you. God does it for me. Finally, religion recognizes that an offended God may not augur well for him. That man needs to do all he knows to do to appease this God.
With that as the departure point, man started doing everything to try and placate an angry God.
The result of all these efforts is religion – man’s attempt to get together with God. It does not matter if it is Islamism, Judaism or Shintoism. They are all doing their level best to appease God.
Because religion comprises men’s efforts, religion evolves with time. It also varies according to culture since it is devised by man. And you know already that man is a cultural being – us and them. Religion is blowing in the wind, so to speak. This is the reason that religion leads to never-ending wars. My culture is different from yours and therefore my man-made attempt to reach God is different, of necessity.
With Jesus’ Advent, We Get To Choose Christianity Or Religion
Now that you know a little about religion, it is easy to see why it evolves with time. It is man-made and is therefore based on the expediency of the times – usually political expediency. Social battles end up in religion or conservatives can decide to kick some social issues out of religion. It is all par for the course since religion is man-made anyway.
As we observed, religion is not all bad. It served the world quite well for a few millennia. But not only was it not obtaining guaranteed results, but it also was not constant. God then decided to come to our rescue. His plan will not evolve. It will not bow to political or financial expediency. With this plan, God was giving us a chance to choose Christianity or religion, which is the old way. Some call it the old covenant.
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You see, His plan did not depend on man’s efforts, not at all. God initiated it, executed it and perfected it, all by Himself. By sending His Son to die, He ensured that man would never have to die again. And the guarantee of success was placed in the firm grip of His Holy Spirit. It was perfect.
Because of God and Jesus, there are now two options by which we can please God. One is the man-made body of doctrines: climb 2000 steps in Rome; burn 7 candles at night; drink the water from a particular river, on and on. It is subject to failure, a point that was made in an earlier post.
Mary and Martha Could Choose Christianity Or Religion
Or we can choose Christianity: simply believe in the finished work of salvation and live. Your life will be pleasing to God, guaranteed by His Holy Spirit. No ifs or buts; no fearful expectation. God is giving us a choice. You now get to choose Christianity or religion.
Just like Mary did in the account of her dealings with Jesus. We see this contrast between Christianity and religion in the bible. Mary and Martha are our case studies here. You may recall the story of Martha and Mary, the sisters of Lazarus, whom Jesus raised from the dead. If you need to refresh, find it here. The two sisters in that story vividly represent Christianity and religion.
Martha, the great woman of the house, wanted everything to be just so for her eternally important guest. You cannot blame her for wanting her home to rival Buckingham Palace. This was the King of all kings who was visiting. She dusted and polished until every piece of furniture was gleaming. The great lady sliced and diced; she steamed and baked and roasted.
Until there was not sufficient space on the table for her feast for the Lord of Lords. All her neighbors were satisfied that she had done excelled. Martha herself was self-satisfied and fully expected a commendation from Jesus.
Unfortunately for her, Jesus reckoned all of it as a mere man’s effort to please Him, which it was. Religion par excellence. You can relate to her if you believe that you must pray for umpteen hours before God will be pleased with you. Or that your days of fasting must exceed everybody else’s.
Mary Chose the Best
On the other end of the worship spectrum was Mary, the slacker so to speak. At least her religious sister thought her so. Martha even deemed it fit to command her guest regarding this lazy sister. Religion does that to you; you become so self-satisfied with all your works that you believe you have earned points.
With your points, you feel you can purchase the right to command the King of kings! If that were not so tragic, it would be funny. We do it all the time unless God helps us to realize our frailty and constant need of help. When that happens, we declare a unilateral dependence on God, as in an earlier post.
Mary knew to choose Christianity or religion; she chose Christianity. Christianity, as God’s initiative to save lost man, is the exact opposite of religion, man’s efforts to please God. Mary, recognizing that all the effort of pleasing God comes through Jesus, sat at His feet. That is probably why the songwriter refers to that position as the most desirable place for Christianity.
What Is Your Choice?
Down at your feet Oh Lord is the most high place, the songwriter says. And most definitely, Mary knew that. For her trust in His completed work of salvation, Mary received a commendation from Jesus. Contrast that with her religious sister, who received a condemnation. “Martha, Martha, you are worried about so many things. But Mary has chosen the best thing.”
With such a stark difference between the results of Christianity and religion, we need to carefully consider our choice. Shall we choose the best thing, like Mary? Or go on being religious, believing that our works can take us to Heaven? Today, brother and sister, choose Christianity or religion. The ball is in your court. Jesus has done His part.
I pray that we will choose the right thing because that shall not be taken away from us.