These are extremely confusing and anxiety-generating times, with the Coronavirus outbreak. Young and old; male or female; rich or poor, religious or heathen, we are all in it together. Some of us are beyond anxious; they have escalated to panic. And yet, if you look carefully, you will find the opportunity of Coronavirus.
And no, it is not a mistake to imply that there might be an opening in these frightening times. What sort of opportunity are we talking about here? If you run a commercial cleaning business or grocery retail, you are furiously hiring staff. For the new hires, that is the opportunity of Coronavirus. But all those opportunities are fleeting.
Our concern today is the opportunity that, if properly managed, could become permanent, as in everlasting. How can that be when people are losing investments, even dying? What can it be that represents the opportunity of Coronavirus in such a gloomy period? It is so good of you to ask.
First, The Opportunity Of Coronavirus Is Global
Everywhere you look, you see people praying. It happened after 9/11. It happens after every global calamity, whether it is man-made or natural. In all religions and faiths, people start crying out to God. Even the atheists who only cry “Oh God” when their airplane is about to crash pray during troubles.
That, right there is the first good thing about this current viral outbreak. Don’t get me wrong, not all prayers are accepted by God, but if the whole world is praying, some will get through. And, there is evidence that God is answering our prayers. The first sign is the San Francisco area put its population into lockdown for 3 weeks.
Three weeks, not two weeks as the entire world had been practicing prior to that time. The significance of that is found in the science of incubation periods of various infectious agents, like the coronavirus. This is not the place and time to go into that but our prayers represent the opportunity of coronavirus. Suffice it to note that other population groups are following San Francisco’s lead.
A second answer to our prayers is that there is now medication for the coronavirus disease. It is affordable (in other parts of the world at least) and it is free of too many complications. Whether Chloroquine proves effective against the virus or not is not critical at this point.
The mere thought that there is medication has moved several thousand seniors from despair to hope. There are several other signs, so don’t stop praying, whether or not you are a believer in God.
Daniel Saw The Chance In The Lion’s Den
Now, we come to those of us who believe God. We also know from scriptures that nothing happens without God’s knowledge. You may remember Daniel, the young man who had extreme challenges regarding his opportunities to worship God.
In spite of those challenges, Daniel remained steadfast in his faith, which made the earthly king furious. He was angry enough to throw him into the lion’s den. In the same vein, we must know that the Coronavirus outbreak has God’s approval.
Indeed, God must have caused the WHO to make a grave mistake about the duration of the quarantine. That is the only explanation for medical scientists recommending a 2-week quarantine instead of the needed 3-week period. If you think that that is far-fetched, remember that God did it once before.
We see that instance when God caused Hushai to make a mistake with his recommendation. At that time, God’s purpose was to destroy Absalom, an evil ruler. We are not here to point fingers; only God knows who He might wish to destroy now. But who is to say that the opportunity of Coronavirus will not yet destroy a few evil rulers?
So, now that we know that this outbreak could be directly from God, what should our response be? First, we know that God is not frivolous. Everything He does is with purpose. Just as He let Daniel have that particular problem, but with a purpose.
Right there in the den, Daniel perceived his chance. Why? Because he knew his God and was able to do exploits. When Daniel came forth from the lion’s den, the king changed his mind about God, as you may recall.
The Opportunity Of Coronavirus And You
Similarly, if we know our God, this period can be as exciting for us as Daniel’s challenge was for him. We can come out of this outbreak even stronger. God may want to use us to change some leaders’ minds about Himself. And yet there is more of the opportunity of Coronavirus.
God may use it to promote you the way He promoted Daniel after he used his own opportunity well. Up until now, we have considered those things that God accomplished through the difficulties in His peoples’ lives. How about you and I? What will we do with the opportunity of coronavirus? That is, in addition to praying.
First off, if you are like most of us, you have not been inside a church building for some time. Not because you do not want to worship God but because churches are closed by law. And for all you know, your church may remain closed for a long time.
What is a Christian supposed to do in the meantime? Especially those of us who know that we were created for worship. By paying close attention to the word of God, you see that you can keep worshiping even in this outbreak.
A familiar passage talks of where two or three are gathered together in His name. You know it; He promises to be there with them. And where God is, you have worship; you have instant fellowship.
What You Have To Do
That means that you should find someone of like mind with whom to spend time around the word of God. The time should be regular and scheduled. When God sees that you are serious about Him, He is serious about you.
And why is it important that your worship partner be of like mind as you? In that verse referred to above is the concept of togetherness. In another section, the bible talks of being in one accord. And then, in Psalm 133, it is only as we dwell in unity that God promises to command the blessing.
My assumption is that you want God to command His blessing on your worship. In that case, you must be united in purpose and the purpose is to worship God. You and your worship partner or partners (just two or three) must be in one accord.
Study the bible, sing, pray, share how good God has been in your life. Make it meaningful and all about God. Your fellowship could be in person or on the phone, God is still there with you. If you do that, you would have discovered the opportunity of Coronavirus.
And who knows, God may let some church organizations go under. That could serve as another avenue of the opportunity of Coronavirus. It is all in God’s hands but you have to do your part. Don’t wait. Find that worship partner today. And start spending quality time together in God’s Presence. Seize the opportunity of Coronavirus.
Faith Will Show You The Opportunity Of Coronavirus
On the march to the Promised Land, the Israelites were often angry and frustrated with God. Do you know why that was so? They walked by sight and not by faith, using Him for their desires. Give me this; give me that and if He does not, they become angry and frustrated with God.
Only Moses had enough faith to know the ways of God. Similarly, if you know the ways of God, you will understand the opportunity in Coronavirus. For example, you will have time to read more of God’s word. And the more of God’s word you study, the more your faith grows and the more you align with God.
Imagine that you were one of the friends of Shadrach when the king threw them into the fiery furnace. How would you have responded? But these youths were people of faith and agreed to go into the fire. You know the excellent results of that act of faith. Are you and I people of faith who will find the opportunity in Coronavirus?

Encouraging! But my experience, as far as religiousity is concerned vis a vis church practice is concerning. I share your positive position, but it is hard for me to forget my experience of extortion and abuse of gullible believers more so as it continues unabated by supposed leaders of Christian Faith. Like prophets of old, some people can not just keep quiet; I am one of them. May the Lord forgive me.
Not sure that there is a need for forgiveness. In Matthew 23 alone, Jesus cursed religious leaders eight separate times. Our only goal is to make Heaven at the Rapture, regardless of what leaders do or do not do. God bless