Rapid Answers to Prayers
Receive instant answers to prayers. And the good news is that it is not as hard as you might suppose. Only this past week, God helped me to learn how to receive instant answers to prayers. My excitement at this lesson of receiving instant answers to prayers is so great that I simply have to share it with you. Because it is possible that you urgently need to receive prompt answers to your prayers.
In an earlier post, I had alluded to my need to focus on this ministry of pointing believers towards heaven. Focusing on one ministry necessarily means puling back from another ministry, with the distinct possibility of hurting another Pastor’s feelings. But not my Pastor. He is one of a kind. As soon as he clarified the issues as regards the church that he pastors, he prayed for God to help me in my new direction. I was hurting for him but he took it all in stride.
My Pastor Received Instant Answers
On the very next Sunday, we had an astounding church service. Without controversy, it was the best service that the church has ever had in its six years of existence. Absolutely the best. Without realizing it, my Pastor had stumbled on the strategy to receive instant answers to prayers. When it was time to pray together in the evening, I thanked God for his life. I also pointed him to the fact that the church service in the morning was evidence that he had received prompt answers to prayers. That is, the prayers which he had prayed for me.
In addition, I shared with him how I had prayed for an elder of the church on the previous Thursday. The very request I had placed before God on the elder’s behalf happened on that same day in my family in a different state. And this in spite of the fact that I was not even praying for my own family. Both incidents concretized for me the lesson of learning how to receive instant answers to prayers.
Prayer Lesson Learned and Established
My pastor graciously pointed out that that conversation last night was the third time I was mentioning this lesson that I want to share with you today. It is evidently ingrained and I am passionate about it, because it works. You too can learn how to receive instant answers to prayers. Just try it and see. I hope that once you prove its effectiveness in your own life, you will become as passionate as I am. You will become an advocate of motivating others to receive instant answers to prayers
Perhaps you are a prayer warrior or maybe simply a person who knows the power of prayers. However, it seems that you are praying without results. You start to doubt yourself, thinking that you possibly have it all wrong. There are days you don’t even want to praying, asking yourself what the point is. You think that since there is no answer or result, why bother?
Pray and Receive Instant Answers
Religious experts try to calm you with scriptures. They tell you that God does not reckon time the way we do. You already knew that! They say that He has three categories of answers to prayers: No, Wait and Yes. You don’t see that concept in the bible because each time Jesus prayed, something positive happened. He never received a No or a Wait. All their placatory support leaves you disgusted and ready to doubt God.
Allow me to congratulate you because you are now in the right place to learn how to receive answers to your prayers. First, allow me to assure you that God is faithful. You never need to doubt Him. Never. It is those religious coaches in your life that are misleading you about receiving quick answers to your prayers. They don’t know God as much as they pretend to do. You are right to conclude that each time you observe Jesus praying in the bible, something great happened. He was able to receive rapid answers to His prayers.
Jesus Received Instant Answers
Have you observed that each time Jesus prayed, He was praying on behalf of others?
Religious scholars call that intercessory prayer – where your prayers are for others. You are interceding on their behalf. Incidentally, Jesus is still busy making intercession for believers in Heaven. However, we shall tell that story another day.
For now, you need to know that when you intercede for others, you receive rapid, even instant answers to your prayers. The reason you receive such quick answers to your prayers is quite simple really, once you get the principle. Jesus makes it clear in scriptures that He cares about all His followers, even the least of them. Ordinarily, we are powerless to help other believers.
Simple Strategy For Rapid Answers to Prayers
What to do? We call on the God who has the ability to help them. And by so doing, we get the attention of Heaven on their case and guess what? We also , albeit inadvertently, shine the light of Heaven on our own case in the process. Additionally, since His Father also cares about the entire world, once you make them your concern, He makes your wants His own care. This is the thought in the popular song, at verse 5. He dispatches express answers to your prayers for the other child of God You also receive expeditious answers to your own prayers
Try it. The speed with which God answers those prayers is almost unbelievable. But He does; sending swift answers to all your prayers. My hope is that such rapid answers to your prayers will serve to banish discouragement from your life. As soon as that happens, please become as passionate as I am about this. Help others learn that they too can receive quick answers to their prayers.
Share And Receive Instant Answers
And guess what? The more you advocate for it, the more you receive instant answers to prayers. Before you know it, believers are adopting you as their mentor. All because you pointed them to this strategy of receiving instant answers to prayer. Even if you don’t immediately know any who needs this teaching, don’t worry.
Simply share this post on all your social media outlets. You will be doing someone a favor; the first one to receive that favor is you. Next are your social media contacts; they too learn how to receive instant answers to prayers.
They will soon start to rejoice because of receiving instant answers to their prayers. Before too long, they are experts at praying for others. This is the best category of paying it forward. Wont that be cool? For all believers to start living the abundant life of joy that Jesus came to give us? And just because we learn how to pray for one another.
And naturally, we will get encouragement from your positive reports. We know from experience that they will be positive. Guaranteed. Please remember to share your results in the comment section below.
God bless You.