The other day, our weatherman forecast rain. But we later joked that the only rain we saw was on television. What happened? The wind blew away the clouds and they were unable to produce the much-needed rain. At least the forecaster told us we badly needed the rain, but we failed to get it. And that is why it is critical to carefully consider your cloud.
Because, unless you do, you may not know what to do to avoid the winds blowing away your cloud. And who knows, you may really need the rain, those showers of blessing. Just by being on this particular site, you know we are not really talking of wet rain. Nonetheless, we take after our Savior, Jesus Christ who employed ordinary items to illustrate the Kingdom of God.
He often spoke about wine. Sometimes it was about sewing a new piece of cloth to an old one. Often, He spoke about vineyards and even great suppers. Bible scholars would know these parables and their references. Those of us who are not familiar with the bible can find the great supper parable in Luke 14:15-24. Here, we talk of clouds and what they signify on our way to Heaven.
Carefully Consider Your Cloud To See Its Weight
Abraham’s cloud was heavy with moisture, ready to fall on him as showers of blessing. It happened when three men came to his door. The man had always been hospitable – one way of ensuring your cloud is weighty. But on this day, he surpassed himself. He entertained them with an entire sheep! Not surprisingly, his miracle that had been delayed was renewed that very day. And within a year, he had Isaac.
That is why you must carefully consider your cloud. Is it light enough for the winds to scatter? Or is it so weighty with good works and giving that no wind can blow it away? Only you can answer that question. But if you feel that God has not answered any of your prayers, be like Abraham. Outdo others in hospitality. Surpass your own record of generosity. Then your cloud will be heavy like Abraham’s was.
What Is In Your Cloud?
The other day, the news service carried a news item about a rain of fish. It turns out the phenomenon is not quite as rare as all that. But for our purpose now, we see that what you put in your cloud is what will rain on you. So, if you have been sending evil thoughts to others, don’t be surprised that your ‘showers’ might be of evil.
Your life might have been frustrating up to this point; no more, as you carefully consider your cloud. What have you been sending into our cloud? It may be heavy, ready to rain, but what will it rain on you? I recently heard of a man who was in a tight financial place. However, he had a habit of financially helping people out in the past. Almost out of nowhere, he got a call and ended that day with a financial windfall. His cloud was heavy and heavy with cash.
What is in your heavy cloud?