It is possible to live free of diseases. Particularly if you are a Christian. You see, God promised that of all these diseases, none shall be upon us. How can God make such a stupendous promise, especially when all sorts of illnesses are so prevalent? It is because He is the Lord who heals us. That means that the key to our health this year is for us to make God our Lord. That is the emphasis in our upcoming series on Divine Health. And as you let your faith arise, you too can become one of us, living in good health. This year, God wants us to spend some time on the intersection of faith and health.
Some of us may not be certain that divine health is God’s will for believers. For them, the Bible records a simple prayer in 3 John 1.2. It decrees that we may prosper in all things and be in health. As always, the writer adds a rider: just as your soul prospers. That means that for you to be in good health, your soul must prosper. This shall be our focus in this series on Divine health. For example, we see that making God your Lord is another way of saying our soul prospers. Taken together, this means we can start to enjoy divine health (not healthcare) from now on.
Jesus-Bought Divine Health
It is important to differentiate between divine good health, which is our goal, and good healthcare. Some for-profit organizations specialize in healthcare insurance. They advertise their services as being more affordable than others. We are not talking here of such schemes. Our posts will be on divine health, not on healthcare. Please note that I love doctors, being one myself, but that doesn’t mean I have to be their best patient. Instead, I can be Jesus’ best patient and enjoy divine health and not fall ill. So, this year, rather than pay premiums for healthcare, we shall be enjoying divine health. That is the health that Jesus already paid for with his blood.
So, if you know someone who has been spending their livelihood on doctors, invite them to read. Better still, help them subscribe at God would not have caused us to start this series if he didn’t plan to gift us with great health this year. Most of us are like the woman with the issue of blood. She kept wasting her money on this or that healthcare insurance. Instead of getting better, her condition grew worse. Don’t let your loved one be like that.
All-Round Health
The goal of this divine health series is to hear God on a disease with a view to preventing it. It will cover many aspects of health but if you have a particular issue that you wish to see addressed, drop us a line at [email protected]. God will surely help us to discover God’s perspective. And then, we will write a post or more on its prevention. But we will likely start with mental health and the reason for that is not far to seek. In the western world, it appears every other person has a mental problem. And how many of us have not concluded at some point or another we might have depression? So, mental health is a good place to start.
There are different levels of mental illness and by way of introduction, we see Prophet Elijah. He seemed to have suffered from depression. He asked God to take his life. On the other end of the spectrum, there was the madman of Gadara. His case was so bad that even madmen would refer to him as a madman. Is there a difference between these two ends of the spectrum? If so, what can it be? And will learning about it help us steer clear of mental illness? Stay tuned.