Jesus’ advice not to worry occurs in all synoptic gospels. I take that to mean it is important, don’t you? When Jesus tells us not to worry, what is he saying, in practical terms? In essence, Jesus was telling us to drop the stress. And that is because worry does no good and only leads to stress, among other things. The sixth chapter of the Gospel according to Matthew contains the most extensive explanation of what Jesus was saying.
And that is where we turn to see how stress adversely affects your health. It is a continuation of our series on divine health. You know we started by saying it is God’s will for us to prosper and be in good health as our soul prospers. It is therefore not surprising that Jesus should emphasize not worrying. He knows that it can be at best useless and if continued, can result in ill health.
Please pay close attention as we study how and why Jesus wants us to drop the stress. In Matthew 6.25-34, we read how Jesus started on this very medically sound advice. It is better than what some people pay thousands to receive from psychiatrists. Or was that from clinical psychologists? I confess my ignorance of these things since I am so busy taking advice from the source – Jesus Christ. So should you, by the way. It is always purer to draw water from its source, not to mention Jesus’ advice is free!
These Issues Are All Necessary For Life
Please note that Jesus is not belittling these needs or saying they are not necessary for life. In the book of Job, even the devil implied there is nothing a man would not give for his life. Do you recall how Jesus used to feed the crowd with physical bread before feeding them with spiritual bread? He regularly does that, meeting us at our points of need before moving us higher to his level. He now counsels us: “Do not worry about your life.”
What is it about your life that worries you and about which you find it hard to drop the stress? Food. Yes, you stress over what you will eat. If you are poor, you cannot afford to discriminate as long as your belly is full. If you are wealthy, you worry about the quality of your food. Does it have enough protein or enough fiber or antioxidants or whatever? Either way, our first worry is about food. Jesus says to drop the stress because your life is not about just food.
Next, we worry about our clothes. This stress point used to be the exclusive preserve of women but not anymore. Men have joined in stressing over what clothes to put on. And in case you don’t believe that your body is more than clothing, he gives some common examples. How many tailors and fashion designers do the birds have? And yet, they attract photographers even today. In any case, the richest king who ever lived could not compete with the birds that God Himself clothes. Why not simply drop the stress and let God dress you? In addition, he wanted to know which of his listeners has ever seen a bird planting and gathering food. The answer? None.
The Pathway To Drop The Stress
But do the birds ever go hungry? No. So, why don’t they drop the stress and let the same one who feeds the birds take care of them? It sounds like good advice to me, especially since we are of greater value than the birds. Particularly since worrying and stressing lead nowhere. It cannot make you taller or shorter.
If you are bald, stressing will not grow you one hair. Indeed, unless you drop the stress, you may lose more hair or grow fatter or whatever you worry about. If you are a woman trying to become pregnant, worrying about it may prevent pregnancy. Studies now show that worrying and stress lead to cancer. Cancer! Think about that if you have been unable to drop the stress. Once you have stopped worrying, Jesus advised turning your eyes upward. The same God who feeds the birds and clothes the lilies of the field is still God.
Are You A Believer?
Unless, said Jesus, get this, you are an unbeliever. Ouch! “After these things do the Gentiles seek.” Worrying and refusing to drop the stress means you don’t know God. And naturally, if you don’t know God, you cannot trust Him to provide for you. But if you truly know God, as in you are a Christian, you will stop worrying. Not only that, you will start minding God’s business so He can start minding your business.
This is the exact quote. “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” If you want nice clothes, put God first. Do you want quality food? Drop the stress and seek the kingdom of God. Give it a try today and watch all your stress-related illnesses fall away. They include high blood pressure, stomach upset, headaches, anxiety, overeating, muscle, restlessness, chest pain, lack of focus or motivation, and sleeplessness.
Stay Tuned.