In a previous post, we considered physical rest, that is, the resting of your body in sleep after work. But there is another type of rest, hence our title of two types of rest. And this is even more important than physical rest. Paul says physical exercise is good but that spiritual exercise is better. In the same way, physical rest is great but spiritual rest is better by far. And that is what we cover in this post. Does this second type of rest contribute to divine health? I will let you be the judge when you read to the end of this post.
All I can say now is that you will definitely need it to get to heaven where there will be no more sickness. The physical rest, that is, the first of these two types of rest, belongs to us and is at best temporary. Just like the Old Testament sacrifices, you have to repeat it all the time. You rest in sleep tonight and wake up tomorrow fully refreshed. But by nightfall, you are again tired and in need of rest.
That is how everything, even the offering of a sacrifice, was before the coming of Jesus Christ. You offer a sacrifice today and tomorrow you need to offer another sacrifice. That is because those sacrifices cannot make him who performed the service perfect in regard to the conscience. And that is what makes this second of the two types of rest so good. It is permanent and perfect just like the sacrifice of Jesus’ blood.
No Further Sacrifice
You see, nothing outside of Christ is permanent or perfect. We have to keep doing them over and over again. The Old Testament priests had to keep killing animals and shedding blood. But when Jesus came to earth and shed His blood, everything changed. He made the sacrifice that was once and for all. We no longer need a sacrifice once we accept the gift of Jesus’ blood by inviting Jesus into our lives.
It is permanent, just like this second of the two types of rest. It is as different from our physical rest as Jesus’ blood is different from all those animal sacrifices. The bible refers to this second type of rest as God’s rest. And although I have heard people praying to enter into their rest, the bible does not support that position.
The bible says that there is no rest for the wicked. Anyone who is yet to accept Jesus as their personal savior is the one the bible describes as wicked. So, when next you hear people praying to enter into their rest, don’t join them to say Amen. It can actually work as a curse. We don’t have a real permanent rest. The only real rest is the second of these two types of rest, the spiritual rest.
God’s Rest Is The Second Of The Two Types Of Rest
When we enter into God’s rest, we join Him in resting from His labors. Or we can quote the bible, to avoid confusion. “He who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His.” Notice we are to enter into His rest, not our own (which is no rest at all). That is the only time hard work and labors will end in our lives.
Sadly, a lot of us waste our lives laboring for that which does not satisfy. We fail to enter into God’s rest for the same reason all Israel (except 2 men), died in the wilderness. Disobedience. Why would we die in the wilderness of life? Why not choose obedience so we can enter into God’s rest? That way, you will be choosing the spiritual one of these two types of rest.
That way, we shall not be like the Israelites. It was to them that God swore that they would never enter into His rest. And guess what? They did not enter, perishing on the way, all because they refused to obey God. This second of the two types of rest belongs only to those who obey God. It is a perfect rest, a permanent rest. And only those who enter into it will arrive safely at the promised land. Our promised land is Heaven. I hope to see you there.
To your health!