No, we are not speaking of the “boys in blue,” the informal and fond name some countries call their policemen. Here, we are referring to some parts of the world where people regularly live to be over one hundred years. Five such zones have been identified and they have some things in common, the least of which is their geography. And glory be to God, our zone is better than blue, as you know if you have been following these posts. You would already know that living long is the reason we are on this journey of Divine Health.
And we are not trying to live long for the sake of it but to achieve God’s purpose in our lives. Anywhere you turn now, you are likely to see one or more articles on blue zones. They all tell you about diet, which you will find is not too different from what the bible recommends. Whether we call it the DASH diet or the Mediterranean diet, you will see it eating as close to the ground as possible. Lots of fruits and vegetables, eaten as raw as possible.
A quick bible study would show that that this the way God expected Adam and Eve to eat. We referred to that in our post on the creation diet, the food God designed for us from the dawn of history. But that is not the only reason we claim that our situation is better than blue. Anybody can eat close to the ground by taking only fruits and vegetables. Vegetarians do it all the time.
We Have The Wisdom To Be Better Than Blue
The reason we are better than blue zones is because we are related to the source of all wisdom. We are children of the God who gave wisdom to take the steps needed for a long life. That is, if you have embraced Jesus and invited Him into your life. Otherwise the best you can hope for is to learn from all those articles on the longevity lifestyle.
Do not hear us wrong; all the pillars of the blue zones’ longevity lifestyle are wonderful. But the pillars of divine health that we already discussed covered them all and then some. Take for an example the part about mental health where they advocate that you should be part of a community. Of course. Is that not why God created us and started spending time with Adam and Eve in the cool of the evening? It is the same reason God advised us not to forsake the assembling together of one another.
God is the author of community and the blue zones people are merely copying what our Father designed. So, instead of reading about them on the internet, we can go to the source and get the truth. When you read about longevity lifestyle from the bible, you are better than blue zones. And that is because just because you see something on Google or TikTok does not make it factual.
Longevity For Ever
We also saw how God rested, not that He was tired – He is never weary – but as an example for us. Everything God did, He did so that we can follow His example. And because God is from everlasting to everlasting, our longevity lifestyle even extends beyond physical death. We get to live forever with the Father and the Son in heaven. If that is not better than blues zones, tell me what is. It is far better to be able to live forever.
Sickness cannot get you; stress and sorrow cannot touch you. There is no sadness there. Of course, the only way to be related to the source of all wisdom is to give your life to Jesus. Many claim to have done so and yet the bible says by their fruit you will know them. are we showing the fruit of salvation? Better, yet, let us borrow from the Apostle Paul, where he wonders. If indeed you have heard Him and have been taught by Him, as the truth is in Jesus. Only you can answer and I hope it is the right answer so you can live forever with God.
To your health! Maranatha!