How can you be a doctor and still be a believer? That is a question I get asked a lot of times by unbelievers. They think you cannot really be an educated person and still be stupid enough to believe in an unseen God. What a pity! They have never heard of the great physician – the greatest of all doctors. He went about doing good and healing all.
To understand why the people gave Jesus that name, you must see the difference between two types of doctors. While human doctors care, only God has the power to heal. That is what the hospital at which I first worked tried to say with its motto. “We care, God heals.” It is the great physician Himself that gives the healing. Put another way, unless God heals, the doctors labor in vain.
Perhaps that is the reason a great nation of the world is currently experiencing a fall in life expectancy. What that simply means is that people in that country are dying younger. And this, despite its wonderful healthcare system and gadgets. Interestingly, the younger deaths are related to that nation’s trend towards ungodliness. We cannot name names but do the research on Google and you will know.
Sadly, because they are dying prematurely, they are unable to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives. And it is to prevent us from such a sad state that we set out on our series on divine health. It is a journey on which we started at the beginning of this year to help us live long. We join the writer of Psalm 118.17 to declare “I shall not die, but live.” He goes on to say we shall then be able to declare the works of the Lord.”
Jesus Is The Great Physician
You witness a robust 25-year-old lady coming to the hospital with the complaint of coughing blood just once. That same lady is dead in the hospital bed by morning when you start your morning ward rounds. The memory of it stays with you forever. The question you want to ask your questioners is “How can you be a doctor and not be a believer?” How can you not believe that there is something else that makes one person die young and another live long.
Or, we should say someone else that makes one die young and another live long. And the name of that someone else is the sympathizing Jesus, aka, the great physician. All other physicians are at best, His assistants. That is why, if you go back and read all the divine health posts, you will find a common thread. He runs through all of them and His name is Jesus Christ.
Does that mean that you should ignore all the former posts? Not at all. You see, faith without works is dead. When you believe in Jesus as the great physician, your actions must tally with His words. You cannot be expecting healing from Jesus and you are not eating right for example. Or sleeping well or taking adequate exercise. These are all pillars of health that our series has discussed and you must follow them.
But it is important to know that following the instructions in them is not the only need. You also need the great physician to say “amen” to your efforts. Practice all those pillars and say yes to Jesus, the great Physician, so He can say “Yes and Amen” to you. That is when your healing will arise and become permanent.
There Is No Real Healing Outside Of Jesus
Have you noticed how we doctors keep you coming to us all the time? We call it follow-up. It is because treatment can go either way. The patient may be well after 1 week or he may be worse or even dead. The follow-up visit is to assure ourselves that the patient is still alive and perhaps getting better. It is not so with Jesus, the great physician. Once he heals a man, it is a done deal. There is no need for a follow-up visit.
As far as I can see, that is the best form of healing, without medication, without surgery and without follow-up. And I am a doctor. But I recognize the superiority of the great physician. I hope you too will. Take all the suggestions from your doctor and from these posts. Accept all the medications and follow-up visits from your human physician.
But cap it all up by accepting the great physician, aka Jesus Christ. He died so we can live forever. Outside of Him, all healing is at best partial and temporary.
To your health! Maranatha!