This is the season when most people spend money they don’t have to buy gifts for people they barely like. At least, in the Western world, where there seems to be a cultural force to give gifts at Christmas time, they do. Such a culture might be the result of expert advertising and bold-face lying. However, I hope it is because Christmas is the season when the world received the greatest gift known to man. You may know that gift as Jesus, the Son of God, that indescribable gift of God.
If we allow ourselves to start attempting to thank God for Jesus, we might not be able to complete penning this post. All we can do to express our inability to do justice to our gratitude for Jesus is to join Paul. He concluded that the human vocabulary does not contain enough words to capture the rapture we have at receiving Jesus. We agree.
You must have observed that some Christmas gifts are not always to the liking of the receivers. In such instances, they regift their gift or simply toss it. Sometimes, they sell it if the store will not accept a return. Sadly, the same thing happens with this greatest gift of all. Why, the bible says that Jesus came to His own and, His own did not accept Him. In essence, they tossed Him and re-gifted Him to the Gentiles.
Glory Be To God For This Greatest Gift
Heaven Readiness is giving you both the avenue and the chance to broadcast the greatest gift ever given to man. He is Jesus, our Savior. And your broadcast is not only at this season but forever, until we see Him face to face in Heaven. If you are ready, we are ready.
Simply send an email to us at [email protected] signifying your readiness to talk about this greatest gift. We shall take it from there |
All we can say is “glory be to God” because if the Jews had not tossed Jesus, you and I might not be saved. But because we are now within the covenant of God, we are still here. And that, despite us spending a year on the health aspect of Christianity . It is because you love the Lord. Congratulations!
This Is Your Chance
It is also possible that you want to share that love with others but do not have the avenue. Heaven Readiness is giving you both the avenue and the chance to broadcast the greatest gift ever given to man. He is Jesus, our Savior. And your broadcast is not only at this season but forever, until we see Him face to face in Heaven. If you are ready, we are ready.
Simply send an email to us at [email protected] signifying your readiness to talk about this greatest gift. We shall take it from there and you will have your own avenue for bragging on Jesus. We know that not all of us will be willing or able. But because you are still paying attention even after a whole year of health talk, you may be one of us. That is, those who can write or make movies about this greatest gift of all.
We want to hear from you. Let us make some noise about Jesus!
Merry Christmas