When God loves you, He gives you problems that you cannot possibly resolve. This is probably why Mother Teresa reportedly asked God to please love her less. But problems are the way God builds faith. Think of the last testimony you gave. It came as a result of a problematic situation in which you found yourself. Once you see and give the testimony, you are at last able to view such a situation as a positive problem.
But until now, you have never thought of problems and positive in the same sentence. How can it be positive when it is a problem? Stay with me here and your life will be transformed once you get this truth. You only need to read and understand the bible to know that every problem that God gives is a positive problem.
Happy New Year To All Our Subscribers And Readers. Fasten your seat belt because this year, we are going to fall in love (all over again) with Jesus, the Lover of our souls. And tell your friends to subscribe on the form at the lower right corner of this post. You too if you are not yet subscribed. |
Every child of God receives good and bad from God. Note, if you are a child of God, satan has no place in sending anything to you. What that means is that the problem you are experiencing is not from the devil. Can satan and a child of God ever have any agreement? What has darkness got to do with light, if indeed you are light, like Jesus who is the light of the world?
If you are not sure you are a child of God, perhaps because the devil has a field day in your life, you can be sure today. Jesus has paid the price and all you have to do now is to invite Jesus into your life. The Bible says He gives you the power to become a child of God. That is how you can be sure that any problem you find yourself in is a positive problem.
Satan has No Positive Problem
As God’s child, you are sure satan has no part in you. Jesus said it so beautifully in John 14.30. “…the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me.” I hope the devil will find nothing in you because all his situations are negative problems. However, if you are God’s child, you can rest assured that every situation in your life is from the hands of a good God.
He sends you a test to make your faith stronger and to give you a testimony. Have you noticed how you cannot spell testimony without starting with “test”? That makes every situation in your life a positive problem. It is the reason Paul (who suffered more than most of us) could say “Rejoice always” and “In all situations, give thanks.” The Apostle knew that all the situations he experienced were positive problems because they came from God, not satan.
Or else, all things will work together for your good in the end. But note that it happens that way only if you love God and are called according to His purpose. Read the whole verse in Romans 8.28. That should remind you to always read a whole verse when you study your bible. If you love God and are called according to His purpose all your experiences are positive problems.
On the other hand, if you find yourself always fighting against satan, it is time to check your Christianity. Are you truly a child of God, living in the light of God? Or does satan find something of his own in your life that he can use as a foothold? Only you can answer these questions.
Let Jesus Be In You
Later, we shall be considering some bible examples of problems that became positive problems. Meanwhile, please ensure you are in Jesus and Jesus is in you. He is the only way you can get to Heaven and enjoy life more abundantly. Unless you are in Christ, even ordinary situations will turn negative in your life because you are giving the devil a foothold. Darkness is the devil’s abode, just as Jesus is the light of the world. And you know that all sorts of negative things happen in the dark. By remaining outside of Jesus, you remain in the dark, where the devil can turn even a job interview into a battle. No doubt, you know what I am talking about. Unless you are in Jesus, where every situation is a positive problem. Come in today and give your life to Jesus.
This is a developing theme. Stay tuned and if you do stay with this theme of positive problems, your life will be transformed. Guaranteed.