The idea that faith triumphs in trouble is not original to this post. We lifted it from the running head of the first five verses of the fifth chapter of Romans. Hopefully, saying it that way should help you remember that Romans 5.1-5 is where you build character. You can always refer to it from time to time if you wish to be a person of character.
Just what is character? Some define it as doing the right thing when nobody is watching. The quality must have been quite common when they gave that definition. But you and I know how rare that character is now. Even when people know that cameras are watching, they still do the wrong thing. They have failed to learn that faith triumphs in trouble. That is why they try to manipulate situations.
And then, they compound the sin by lying about it, even in front of a judge. Well, there is an invisible judge and you cannot lie to him. He weighs the heart of man, not our words. And he is the only one that sits at the judgment in heaven. He controls the angels who are at the gate of our final home in heaven. That means that in the final analysis, that is the judge before whom we testify. Should we therefore not take the trouble to develop character?
But character only comes through triumphs in trouble. Here is how the Apostle Paul arrived at that conclusion. “And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance. Perseverance produces character, and character, hope.”
Triumphs In Trouble Build Hope
Did you notice that? Paul says he glories in tribulations. The Apostle rejoiced in trouble. What sort of man was he? Good question. He was the type of man we need to become if we are to make it to heaven. Even James, the brother of Jesus says that we should count it all joy when we fall into all sorts of troubles.
They both knew that the final result is hope and the bible says hope does not disappoint. Hear how the bible puts this concept that triumphs in trouble. “Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts.” And who does the pouring? The Holy Spirit who was given to us.
Now, that is all very well but you know that not everybody has hope or builds character. And even when they do, it will not be during a period of tribulation. For some people, trouble makes them bitter. However, for the child of God, tribulations make us better by giving us triumphs in trouble.
But note that, according to the Apostle, faith is the only pathway to hope. He says “Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through Him also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand. We rejoice in hope of the glory of God. You already know that those who have faith are children of God.
How Is Your Faith Level?
How is your faith today? Do you have peace with God, knowing that your faith has justified you? Justified is described as “Just as if I have not sinned.” Do you feel as if you have not sinned or are you carrying a sin consciousness all around? If you feel justified and have peace with God, then you are on your way to having hope via triumphs in trouble. Here is the sequence: From faith to peace with God to joy to hope.
But hope is not the only positive outcome of triumphs in trouble if you can learn to glory (or rejoice) in trouble. You also get to develop perseverance (or patience). From patience, you learn to build character and that is how hope comes. Nonetheless, it all starts with faith. Have you placed your faith in Jesus and the work He did on the cross?
Then, somewhere in there, you have learned to embrace the triumphs in trouble. You are on your way to viewing every negative situation as a positive problem. We congratulate you. It is a necessary quality on our way to heaven.