We take a break from our series on positive problems to consider a topic critical to our final journey. It is about how everything now seems to take place on the internet. Long before the COVID pandemic, most of our activities had gone virtual. That was one reason the pandemic did not paralyze humanity. We had thousands of ‘friends’ and followers on social media with whom we kept interacting. Zoom was already there, waiting for just such an emergency. We all accept this state of affairs, even organizing social parties on Zoom. You do not need us to give you an exhaustive list of what you do online. But you may need us to encourage you to become a virtual missionary.
If you are a Christian, you have heard at some point, that mission is the heartbeat of God. I have listened to it several times and although I am not sure I know how God’s heart operates, I cannot argue it. The last words Jesus spoke while on earth have something of a missionary in them. In Matthew 28.19, Jesus asked all his disciples to go and make disciples of all nations. That sounds like Christian missionary work to me.
In the past, you had to get on a boat, a plane, or a truck to make disciples of your cities, not to mention nations. But, glory to God in the highest, someone invented the internet, and the commission Jesus gave us in Mathew suddenly became possible. You can now tell somebody half a world away what Jesus has done for you. Without getting into your vehicle, you can become a virtual missionary.
Counteract Evil
That is wonderful news and God must have known about the internet when Jesus gave us that great commission. Our savior knew it would be easy for each Christian to become a virtual missionary. It does not matter that some people are busy using the internet for ungodly purposes. We do not concern ourselves with that.
In John 21.22, Jesus cautioned Peter against distractions, concluding that Peter should focus and follow Jesus. It is the same with us who are now virtual missionaries. The negative use of the internet is merely a distraction. We should focus on following Jesus and preach Him to make disciples of all nations. The internet is an example of a positive problem. At least, we can make it so.
You can determine that anytime someone invades your privacy, they hear about Jesus. For example, my voicemail greeting goes something like this. (I recorded it long ago and since I do not listen to myself, my recollection may be hazy). “Hello, leave a message. Keep in mind, Jesus died so you can live forever.” Now, that is not being a virtual missionary, but it is a start.
What are you doing with the internet and all the opportunities it provides? Are you grumbling that some people are busy using it for pornography? Stop complaining. Get in there and do your own father’s business. This is for serious Christians only because the others are too busy forwarding political conspiracy theories. As for me, I am grateful to God for the internet. It allows me to be a virtual missionary. People in Asia and Asia Pacific get our blog, on Facebook or by subscription.
You Can Become A Virtual Missionary
I realize that not everybody has the time or space to write a blog. But you can forward other people’s godly blogs. I have an older friend, a retired Reverend, who forwards at least two news items daily. How I wish he would also forward an equal number of Christian blogs. He would immediately become a virtual missionary if he did that. Think about it. All you need to do to achieve Christian missions is to share this post. YOu may also share from past and future posts you enjoy on our blog.
You can take it further by encouraging them to subscribe to the blog. It does not have to be limited to the Heaven Readiness blog. From today, make up your mind to forward or share as many Christian posts as you do the others. You would become a virtual missionary and thereby fulfill the great commission. Nothing could be easier. Make that determination now; and stand by it.