Practicing party spirit is weird – I am being charitable here. No, this is not between the Democratic Socialists and the Christian Socialists. This ‘us versus them’ account is between Pharaoh and the children of Israel. Pharaoh was oppressing the children of God because he was a king, with power on his side. Little did Pharaoh know that God had a two-edged sea in his toolbox. You may be aware of the story of how the children of God left Egypt.
The Bible refers to it as the exodus, another word for departure or migration. I like the first term because there is a book in the Bible with that name. That makes it easy to locate the story of the departure of the children of God from Egypt. So, in the book of Exodus, we see the fight between the oppressor and the oppressed. In the 9th verse of the third chapter, we see that the cries of the oppressed came to God’s ears.
God came to their rescue, and after performing ten wonders, He brought them out by the hand of Moses. On their way out, they came upon God’s two-edged sea. The Red Sea was an obstacle as the oppressor’s army pursued them. They had no way to escape. Naturally, they were afraid. They cried out to their leader, and he cried out to God. In response, God gave them instructions that sounded almost insane; Moses was to stand in the middle of the sea and hold up his staff.
The Two-Edged Sea Parted
The leader obeyed and immediately witnessed wonders. The two-edged sea parted. Keep in mind that the children of Israel did not know what would happen. They simply obeyed and walked through the sea. We must obey God even when the instruction sounds stupid. After all, the bible says that the foolishness of God is wiser than men in 1 Corinthians 1.25.
Their obedience notwithstanding, the devil was not through with them. Through Pharaoh and his army, satan chased after the children of God. I trust you see yourself in this scenario. You obey God but the devil still has more problems in stock. You remember that he came at Jesus, not once, but three times. Satan is a stubborn devil. That is when God deploys his two-edged sea on your behalf. The same sea that parted and allowed the people of God to cross on dry land now closed on their enemy. It drowned them.
That was when the children of Israel understood that God controlled the two-edged sea. Perhaps you heard the story that tried to minimize the wonder of the Red Sea. I heard how unbelievers claimed the sea was just a little pond, not a sea. So, how did that little pond succeed in drowning a whole Egyptian army? The unbelievers have no answer to that. But we who believe God know the answer. It is the two-edged sea of God.
God Performs Wonders All The Time
God performed a similar wonder earlier on their journey. But you cannot fault them for forgetting when the sea obstructed them. They must have been quite scared. Who would not be? The sea before and the eb]nemy behind. I would be afraid, perhaps too much to remember past wonders. You might also be frightened if you were in such a situation. We may not remember that God already performed a two-edged wonder for us.
Before they ever arrived at the river, God was performing His wonders. For example, God put up a pillar to separate His children from the enemy each night. But this was not an ordinary pillar. Like the two-edged sea, this pillar was also two-edged. To the friends of God, the pillar was a pillar of light to illuminate them. On the side of their enemies, it was a pillar of darkness to confuse them.
When the sea that would have blocked their way now turned into a positive problem, they might have recalled the pillar. God parted the sea for them and then drowned their enemies in it. God is just too much. I take a moment here to pray for you. God will turn his light to you and make his face shine upon you. In addition, God will confuse your enemies. The problem that looked insurmountable will give way to you. After you are safe, that same situation will destroy your enemies. Amen.
But note that you must be like these people and walk in obedience. We must obey God, regardless of whether it makes sense or not. Then, He will be like the two-edged sea and deliver us while ensuring the death of those who hate us. In God’s hands, your problem becomes positive.