Great as this blog is, it can tell you only so much about an eternally important topic such as the Rapture. It can be likened to hearing a sermon and needing to go home to read more about the sermon. You can satisfy that need in part by enjoying the extensive videos and sermons available at Real Manna Ministries.
That Ministry is named after Jesus and preaches no one but Jesus, who pointed out that older generations ate the bread, aka manna, in the desert and yet they are dead. But there is a bread that one can eat that he will live forever. That bread – the Real Bread or Real Manna – is Jesus. We cannot say it enough, desiring to shout it from the rooftops, Jesus is the Bread of Life.
If you want to live with Him forever, you are in the exact place you need to be. We therefore enjoin you to please not rush through these wonderful teachings. They have been put together by several anointed men and women of God from several continents of the world. Do your best to be like the Berean believers. The Bible describes them as being more noble-minded than other believers.
And that is precisely what we have to be – noble-minded – in order to make Heaven when the trumpet call sounds. That is when Jesus will call His own home. Narrow though the way and few though there be that find it, you and I shall be among the number, in Jesus’ name.
Hell is a terrible place and we must be diligent to avoid it.
If you have questions on any of the videos and sermons, please feel free to contact the author of the particular teaching. Or else, write to the admin at [email protected] and the message will be passed to the right author. You will receive a response. That is our promise.