In a previous post, we concluded that you are free. The Mosaic law is not for you, seeing as Jesus already bought your freedom. If you are still struggling with the law’s demands, refer to it – The Law Is Not Binding On The Believer. We also promised then to further explore the theme of the Christian’s relationship to the law. In this post, you will discover that indeed, the believer is above the law.
Influence Is Not The Reason The Believer Is Above The Law
What’s more, you do not need to have a great earthly influence to get away with being above the law. In other words, the believer does not have to be a British royal to get away with not fastening his seat belt. So, how can the believer be above the law without breaking the law of the land?
Easy, keep to the standards of God and no law on earth can touch you. In other words, you will be above the law, everywhere on earth. Nevertheless, this is easier said than done. A little later in this post, we shall see how to keep to the standards of God. You probably know from sad experience that sin will always find you out, even if the cops don’t. And that is because the standard of God is higher than any earthly standards.
Not All Believers Can Be Above The Law
While it is true that no Christian is bound by the law, not all believers can be above the law. No doubt, you know of priests and pastors who are caught up with the law of the land. There is sexual abuse; there is stealing from church coffers and so on. Such people are certainly not above the law even if they are believers.
And we are not saying that they are; only God knows those who are His. In the pew also, sin and vices abound among those whose freedom Jesus purchased on the cross. That is, although the Mosaic law is not binding on them, they are still under the law of man. To be above the law requires keeping to God’s standard. And we already observed that it is higher and tougher than earthly standards.
With The Holy Spirit, The Believer Is Above The Law
So, how can we keep to God’s standards? The good news is that help is available to live above the law. God gave us His Holy Spirit to help us adhere to His standards. Nevertheless, you require an intimate and enduring relationship with the Holy Spirit in order to be above the law. Because only the fruit of the Spirit give you the authority to be above the law. Not the gifts of the Spirit, mind you, but the fruit. And fruit does not develop overnight, neither is it bestowed.
On the other hand, the believer receives the gifts of the Spirit at salvation. With the gifts, he has grace for prophesying and speaking in other tongues. He receives power to heal and perform miracles. He can interpret tongues and function in all those charismatic practices common with Pentecostals. In spite of that, the law of the land can bring him or her to court. That does not mean that such are not under grace. It simply implies that while they have the gifts, they do not have the fruit of the Spirit.
Against The Fruit Of The Spirit There Is No Law
You see, it is only against the fruit of the Spirit that there is no law. Fruiting requires cultivation and endurance. First, the believer moves away from under the law. That happens when the Holy Spirit starts to lead him. Next, he starts to cultivate the gifts he received from the Holy Spirit at salvation. With time and patience, he begins to observe the fruit. At first, the fruit may be tiny or bitter.
He keeps going, patiently fertilizing it with prayers and the study of God’s word. In time, the fruit becomes attractive and usable. That is when the believer is above the law of any land. When the fruit is grown, there is no law that can be against him. You are now above the law. No cop can touch you anywhere on earth. And the reason for such immunity is not far to seek.
One Fruit Allows You To Be above The Law
Simply examine the fruit of the Spirit. Please note that although the gifts are many, the fruit is one. You cannot claim to have the fruit of the Spirit until all the cotyledons are manifesting in your life. An examination of the fruit will reveal how it is that no cop can touch you.
You discover how it is that you are above the law. In this one fruit of the Spirit, there is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
Let us consider just one aspect of the fruit for a moment. And please note that any one of the segments of this fruit will yield the same result. But let us take self-control for this exercise. A cop stops you and asks you to come out of the car. With self-control, you obey his instructions although you have not done anything wrong.
Self-Control Trumps The Law
A believer with self-control might even say hello to the cop, in appreciation of the duty he is performing. Naturally, with the fruit of the spirit, all his papers are in order. With confidence, he complies with every demand of the cop. By now, a bad cop is wondering who this gentleman is. Perhaps the cousin of the Governor. He is a bit afraid and quickly returns his papers to the driver. He allows him get back into his car and proceed.
A person without self-control, on the contrary, throws a tantrum. This gives the cop (good or bad) an excuse to manifest his bad side. Everything ends up in chaos. Try the exercise with each of the others and you will discover the truth. The fruit of the Spirit totally empowers you to be above the law.
And please don’t forget to share this with your friends and family so they too can start living above the law.
God bless you,

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