The entire universe operates by God’s principles and protocols. What’s more, God respects His own values and abides by them. This is the reason the universe is still intact. However, from time to time, we find that God breaks His own protocol.
God Breaks His Own Protocol At The Sychar Well
We see Jesus, the Son of God on His way from Judea to Galilee. To make the journey, He needs to go through the despised territory of Samaria and came to Sychar. The Bible describes Him as being weary.
Keep in mind, this is God in the flesh. You have to wonder why He is suddenly both weary and hungry. He sits at Jacob’s well in Sychar to rest while His disciples go into town to buy food.
Another question comes to mind here. Just how many disciples do you need to carry sufficient food for thirteen mouths? Certainly, you do not need all of the twelve disciples for that purpose.
Could it be that God was setting up this scenario deliberately so He can be alone? Going by what happens later, you can conclude it is so. Clearly, the Son of God is getting ready to break His own protocol.
With the setting complete, Jesus is now alone at the well. And, as evening falls, women are going to come to that very well to fetch water. Sure enough, a woman is soon approaching the well. Does Jesus ignore her as demanded by protocol?
Far from it? He speaks to her! She is rightly shocked by this blatant breach of protocol. And as you can imagine, had the disciples been there, they would have strictly forbidden Jesus. No way are they allowing their master to defile Himself – and by extension, themselves – by chatting with a Samaritan woman. Add to that, this is a Samaritan woman of questionable character.
God Breaks His Own Protocol For Good Reason
But Jesus has carefully seen to it that they are not around when this terrible breach of protocol takes place. Therefore, Jesus is able to have a conversation with a member of the despised race. We see the Son of God breaking His own protocol.
However, we must not think that Jesus does this lightly. He only breaks His own protocol when there is a very good reason for doing it. For instance, Jesus knew that in that despicable city and neighborhood, there is a good and honest woman.
True, she had gone through marriage more times than has Elizabeth Taylor. Granted, she had given up on that holy institution and was now merely shacking up with a sixth man.
However, on the inside, Jesus, who knows the heart of man, sees that this woman is honest. It does not matter to Him that others only see her as a woman of doubtful virtues. He sees a good woman for whom He must break His own protocol.
Jesus needs to keep her from going to hell. He starts by confirming what He has already seen by looking into her heart. By confessing that she has been married six times, she aces her test. She now qualifies for a divine breach of protocol.
We All Need Grace
Now, you may be wondering what this has to do with you. A lot! Which is why it is written mostly in the present tense. That way, we can see ourselves in the place of the woman at the well, totally in need of God’s break with protocol.
First, if God were to stand on ceremony, who can stand? A friend of mine views God’s break with His protocol as grace. She describes it here. You too may know it by the same name.
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, Within ourselves, there is nothing good. Not our knowledge, not our heritage, not our wealth. Nothing in us qualifies us for salvation. It is by the grace of God that we are not consumed.
God set the protocol-breaking ball rolling when He sent His sinless Son to die in our stead. Can you imagine if God had stood on ceremony and refused to break His own protocol?
Where would you and I be? In Satan’s clutches, no doubt. And after having saved us from eternal damnation, He continues to break His own protocol regularly for you and for me.
Give God A Reason To Break Protocol For You.
Nevertheless, you do need to give Him a reason to break His own protocol on your behalf. We see the woman at the well giving Jesus a couple of reasons to break His own protocol. In the first place, she answered His question with transparent honesty. Secondly, she avidly desired what He offered.
In the same way, if we are honest with God, He will break His own protocol for us. If, in addition, we enthusiastically ask for what He has to offer. God will not deal with us according to the law but according to grace.
That is all you need for God to break His own protocol for you. Be honest with God, even if that causes you to blush. Like the woman at the well, learn to confess: “Lord I have blown it again.” God is ever ready to forgive us when we do that.
Next, ask for help. Now, I appreciate that it is not easy for most of us to come right out and ask for help. We are perhaps too educated to do that, or too wealthy or whatever. But remember, you really need God to break His own protocol for you. Be humble enough to ask for His help.
Before You Call, God Will Answer
Finally, God breaks His own protocol for those who break protocol for others. You are the first to say hello to others, regardless of their age or status. Guess what? God will be the first to say hello to you while you are still thinking of how to approach Him. I love that.
God will say of you, “It shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer. And while they are still speaking, I will hear.” God will seriously break His own protocol for you. It is a fool-proof strategy for how God breaks His own protocol. Learn to break protocol for others.
A good example is from the parable that Jesus gave of the unforgiving servant. At account reckoning time, a master forgave his servant of several thousand dollars in debt. Why? Simply because he petitioned Him to do so. That master broke his own protocol for his servant.
Nevertheless, that same servant decided to stand on ceremony with a fellow servant. Please note that this other servant’s debt was a tiny fraction of what he himself was still owing to the master.
Immediately, God reversed His breach of protocol on the servant’s behalf. It never fails. If you want God to deal with you in grace, rather than protocol, deal with others the same way. Once you learn to do that, God will no longer stand on ceremony with you.
To recap, there are three criteria on which God breaks His own protocol for you. First, be honest with God, regardless of how embarrassed it makes you feel. Secondly, be hungry for the help He offers; do not be too proud to ask for help from God. And finally, do for others what you want God to do for you. Break protocol for others and watch God break His own protocol for you.
Thanks so much for conveying the message in such a simplistic manner. This encourages me to be transparent and humble in my relationship with Him. Thanks again and again….