Every time I read the verse in Matthew that speaks of a man (or woman) under authority, I chuckle. That is because it reminds me of my favorite Australian cop. Now, I have no doubt that there are other off-duty cops who get into trouble with criminals. But my favorite, by far, is this one man in Australia.
He was off duty but forgot that without his uniform, he was just a regular Joe. He jumped into the developing scenario and tried to stop a crime. The criminal turned on him and thoroughly trounced him. In that instant, the cop did not have the backing of the police force. However, he forgot and similarly, as believers we often forget.
We forget that in order to rout spiritual criminals, we must be a man or woman under authority. That is, we must remain under the authority of God. It is a lesson that the centurion in Matthew well knew. He declared: I also am a man (or woman) under authority, having soldiers under me. And I say to this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; to another, ‘Come,’ and he comes. And to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.”
A Man Or Woman Under Authority Is A Person Of Faith
You could almost see Jesus hugging him for such a powerful demonstration of faith. He was truly amazed and His response revealed His excitement. “Assuredly, I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!
Not even in Israel? It must be a great measure of faith indeed. He appreciated that as a man or woman under authority, he has the power of his master backing him up. As long as a man remains under authority, that is.
Are You A Man Or Woman Under Authority?
Which is why the experience of my favorite cop is such a pity. He was not in uniform and therefore, not under authority at that point in time. How about you and I? Do we not oftentimes take off God’s ‘uniform’?
We go about our daily activities as though God is not Lord of our lives. Even on the inside, we are thinking, “I got this.” We feel we do not need God. instead of making a unilateral declaration of dependence, we declare independence from God.
And then we pray to that same God and expect answers. Ask yourself, if someone tells you that he does not need you, will you come to his aid when he gets into trouble? Not likely. Perhaps not at all. This applies to nations as well as individuals.
A nation declares independence from God and wonders why God does not aid it in the face of disasters. Such events could be natural or manmade. No doubt, you are thinking now of a few such nations. Why should God support you when you are no longer a man or woman under authority? No reason at all.
Jesus I Know; Paul I Know; But Who Are You?
“Jesus I know, and Paul I know; but who are you?” And no, I am not making this up, as it might appear if you are not familiar with scripture. It says so in the Acts of Apostles, at Chapter Nineteen. You may have heard the story.
Some itinerant exorcists loved that demons jumped out of possessed people at Paul’s say so. Even severe illness bade goodbye to the sufferers with the touch of Paul’s handkerchief. They coveted that sort of immense power. Who wouldn’t?
However, they did not know the requirements and qualifications. These exorcists did not qualify because they were not a man or woman under authority. They wanted the power without the submission. Consequently, demons had a field day.
They pounced on these who did not realize that you had to be a man or woman under authority to command others. As soon as the exorcists tried to command the demons, all hell broke loose. What? The demons demanded. Do you dare to command us to depart from these oppressed people? And you are not even a man or woman under authority. Why should we obey you when you do not have the backing of a higher power? Indeed, why.
Demons recognize the power of Jesus. They respect any who is a man or woman under authority, such as Paul. That led these particular demons to ask that famous question. We know Jesus. We respect Paul. But just who are you?
Don’t Confront Demons Unless You Are A Man Or Woman Under Authority
The lesson is quite clear, is it not? Unless you have put on the Jesus ‘uniform’, abiding n Him, leave spiritual matters alone. Simply live your life as the natural man that you are, bungling things up. Don’t let demons make a hash of your life. You are not a man or woman under authority.
Don’t pretend to be something you are not. You may fool human beings. But demons, fallen angels as they are? Oh yes, they can see right through you. They know that you are not a man or woman under authority. These trounced the exorcists so badly that they tore their clothes off, leaving them butt-naked.
Please don’t let your nakedness, spiritually speaking, be exposed for the entire world to behold. Until you are wearing Jesus, leave well alone. Until you become a man or woman under authority, give demons and problems a wide berth. Naturally, they will torment your life and family, but simply roll over so that they do not expose your underbelly.
Or simply turn yourself into a man or woman under authority. That is the authority of Jesus. Hide under His shadow and let Him take problems of life, including demons, on for you. This is our preferred strategy. Become a man or woman under authority to Jesus. Then watch the demons flee.