Welcome. We want to spend eternity with God. And because we know that you also want to spend eternity with God, we rejoice with you that you are here now.
We write posts that facilitate your understanding of the mind of God regarding how to be qualified for Heaven. That way, we shall all be ready to go with Jesus whenever the trumpet call sounds at the Rapture. That trumpet sound, as you know, signifies the end of the world as we know it.
Anyone who is not ready to answer the call will end up in hell. And we don’t want to do that, not at all.
As of now, there are only two of us; one on earth and the other in Heaven. That was the same way we started with Real Manna Ministries, our parent ministry. Then our numbers grew until now, the Ministry can boast of teachers from several continents of the world.
The immediate significance of that last sentence is that if you believe that you can do what we do, and with a fervent passion for Christ, we would like to hear from you. Contact us and let us talk; God may use that connection to involve you in something of eternal value.
And now, you are wondering, What do we do? So glad you asked.
We take what is of Jesus Christ and declare it to you, thereby glorifying Jesus. Naturally, the partner in Heaven is the chief declarer. Nevertheless, He is ever ready to share with those of us on earth.
Of course, He has other attributes to which those of us on earth can only aspire; He helps, He counsels and He comforts. However, as we stay close to Him in humility, He imparts those attributes to us, as you can see from our posts.
There is one more thing about us. The goal we have in common is to glorify Jesus by making sure that as many of His followers as possible follow Him all the way into Heaven.
And that we will do so long as we abide in Christ. These posts are designed to help you do just that so that whenever the Rapture trumpet sounds, you and I will not miss Heaven.
One day soon, we shall all meet there, where there is no mortgage, no sorrow or sickness, where we shall die no more. It promises to be glorious.
This is our one and only passion and if it is yours as well, we hope to hear from you in the future. Make it soon, because there may not be much more time left before the trumpet sounds.