The reason you have to always remember George Floyd is not to get justice. Justice is not an inevitable quality in a fallen world like ours. You recall that the devil is the king here on earth. This is why he was able to tempt Jesus by saying he would give it all to Jesus if the Lord would just bow down to him. In this system, the devil occasionally chooses his acolytes and we install them as political leaders.
It is a concept that George Orwell understood when he wrote Animal Farm. At every election, we replace evil leaders with slightly less-evil ones until next time when the truly evil ones return. President Obama once said that all politicians lie but that some do it shamefacedly while others double down. We may not like it but we can do nothing about getting justice for George Floyd. Keep that in mind but always remember George Floyd. When we get to Heaven, we might ask God why He chose earth as the abode of satan.
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This happened when God chased satan from Eden, but until then, we simply accept it. We live in a fallen world, where justice will never become the norm. The world system operates according to satan’s dictates, which makes it mandatory that we get to the other Kingdom. That is the Kingdom of God, where everything operates according to God’s dictates. In last week’s post, we had a preview of that kingdom. There, justice is the norm.
Seeking Justice Is A Waste Of Time
So, when we say you should always remember George Floyd, keep in mind that it is not to get justice. What justice can there be when a father and son get away with murder for two months? It was not until there was an outcry that that murderous pair were arrested. And if there had not been a video recording, Officer Chauvin would have denied murdering George Floyd. Even now, the official autopsy is trying to make out George had an underlying disease.
Amber Guyger got to go home to her bed after killing Botham Jean in his own home. The reason we spend so much time on this justice aspect is simple. Seeking justice in a fallen world is a total waste of time. If justice was possible in the world, we would not be speaking of the murder of George Floyd in 2020. And this is after decades and seemingly endless cycles of protests.
Police training after police training has not affected the prevalence of injustice and I believe you know why not. Injustice is a matter of the heart, not of the head. My boss once charged me with developing a curriculum for ethics and morality. It was impossible then and it is impossible now.
No training can impact a man’s heart and the evil therein. Only Jesus, with His Holy Spirit, can give a man a heart of flesh in place of his heart of stone. You saw that heart of stone on full display as Chauvin kept his knees on George Floyd’s neck for almost nine minutes.
Always Remember George Floyd Come November
Jesus knew that and even at the sham court to which the religious dragged Him, He kept His peace, silent. He did not waste His time on them. Instead, He focused on that which He needed to accomplish, several other things He could be busy doing. He had to pray for His assassins; He had to make living arrangements for His mother. And then there was the thief on the cross to save and the work of salvation to finish. If He had wasted His time trying to get justice, He might not have been able to declare “It is finished.”

Since we say you should not waste time on seeking justice for Floyd, what should we be doing? Like Jesus, we should focus on those actions which will actually have positive outcomes. First, come November, always remember George Floyd. Your action here is obvious. VOTE. Do not let anything keep you from the ballot box.
Always remember George Floyd and vote your conscience. Perhaps you will help to elect one of those less-evil ones to which we referred earlier. Pretend you live in Australia where it is illegal NOT to vote. Always remember George Floyd, particularly in November.
Anyone Can Die Suddenly
The second thing you could be doing as you always remember George Floyd is to live prepared. This is a term that a few insurance companies use in advertising their services. Live prepared for eternity because, whether we like it or not, there is an eternity. Some will spend it in hell, others in Heaven. We who are regular readers of this blog have one destination in view – Heaven.
And we know that the only way to get there is through Jesus, the Way. Living prepared implies that there is no guarantee that all who leave their homes in the morning will return there in the evening. Some, like George Floyd or the cop who was subsequently shot to death, may end up in the morgue. Sudden death can happen to anyone, making it necessary for you and me to always remember George Floyd. And sudden death does not only come through violence.
Road traffic, air, and home accidents happen; people have silent underlying morbidities and drop dead. If that happened to you or me, where would we end up at? Heaven or hell? To ensure we go to the right place, we need to always remember George Floyd and others like him. Keeping them in our minds will motivate us to urgently seek and find Jesus; as in today.
Pray As You Always Remember George Floyd
It is not for nothing that Jesus started with prayer and ended with prayer. There are so many unknowns in the world and prayer will help to steady your life. Keep in mind, prayer will not take away all instances of injustice. But prayer brings God into your corner to shield you from most. Always remember George Floyd and pray that you will not die a violent death.
Pray that you will not miss Heaven even after finding Jesus. You most certainly do not wish to be a castaway and hence the need for regular prayer. And naturally, you only pray meaningfully when you know the mind and word of God. Fortunately, it is readily available – in the Holy Bible.