Do you find yourself constantly going from one Christian program to another? You even feel blessed after each one, until the announcement of the next program. That may indicate that you thrive best in another man’s garden, not in your own environment. You need to ask yourself what about the other garden makes it so attractive to you. The first answer you will get is that it is bearing fruit, either of food or of flowers. Keep in mind that we are here considering the environment of your soul.
It is the fifth and last pillar on our road to Divine health, which we started at the beginning of the year. The entire purpose of wanting to be in health is not only because that is God’s desire for us, as we see in 3 John 2. That verse says. “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” There is a lot we could say about that last phrase but time does not permit. Suffice it to say it is an equation; your health and prosperity are directly proportional to the prosperity of your soul.
Before we go on, take a minute to ask yourself, “how is my soul doing today?” If the answer is not a resounding positive, guess what? Your physical health may be in the pits and your bank account may not be in good health. Do not forget the reason we are on this journey to divine health. It is so we can live long enough to find and fulfill God’s purpose in our lives. Enough on that as we return to our pillar on the environment of your soul.
Another Man’s Garden Was Planted
The reason we go to another man’s garden are the fruits – food or flowers – that the garden produces. You watch televangelists from morning to afternoon and you are blessed by their fruits. Next morning, you repeat. With that second-hand diet, will you live long enough to fulfill God’s purpose for your life? And have you ever wondered why you do that or why you go from one Christian program to another? It is because your own garden is barren.
The man whose program blessed you so much last week did his work of planting the word of God in his soul. God is so good that he put the incorruptible seed of His word openly in the bible for all who are interested. Are you interested? If yes, you can start today by taking the word of God and planting it into your soul. Secondly, the man did it over a long period of time. And now that another man’s garden is flourishing, you are eating from his fruits and receiving blessings through him.
Such second-hand blessings are better than no blessings and we thank God for all His servants busy producing fruits for others. But why eat from another man’s garden when the seed is there for the taking. Plant your seed today; it will germinate and bear fruit. Perhaps then, you can stop eating from another man’s garden. In time you too can become like your favorite preacher, blessing others with the fruit that the word of God is producing in your life. Until you start to study the word of God, your favorite preacher remains your source of second-hand blessings.
Plant Your Own Garden
If he has a program several hundred miles away, you get on the plane and book a hotel so you can attend. Have you ever wondered why he is such a sought-after preacher? The reason is that he took the word of God, sowed it in his soul and watered it by mediating on that word. But you can stop eating second-hand fruit from another man’s garden.
Start today to plant your own garden with the seed of God’s word. It is readily available in the bible. The fruits you see and partake of in your favorite preacher’s garden did not appear by accident. One day, he took a decision to plant the seed of the word of God, started studying the bible and watered his heart with meditation. In time, his life started yielding those fruits that you pay to access. Today, you too can take a decision to plant the seed of the word of God in your heart.
Will it be easy? Not at all. And guess who will make it even more difficult? That’s right. The enemy of your soul, also known as satan. If he cannot lull you to sleep as soon as you open the bible to study, he will bring social media distraction. But unless you resist the devil, you will continue to eat from another man’s garden.
You may never know how much time the man whose all-night program you always attend spent preparing. A whole lot. Planting and reaping are hard work. If you doubt that, ask the next farmer you meet. Farmers work hard and they do it so that they do not have to go to another man’s garden to eat. What about you? What about me?
To Your Health
This is an awesome message, but going for other people’s programmes in other churches does not mean that you are neglecting your own garden. When you don’t listen to other people’s message and is only your own tune and message, how does iron sharpen iron works?
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