No, we are not praying that you should lose your mind. Far from it, because your mind is the part of you that determines what the rest of you does. For example, what do you feel and perhaps do each time you see an ad for a snack? That’s right, you suddenly feel hungry, and nines time out of ten, you reach for a snack. That is why big business spends millions on advertisements. They know that as your mind goes, so goes the rest of you. And that is the reason we started our series on divine health with mental health. It is also why we shall stay with it for a little while longer. Never mind that we have been at it for two months already.
Even if you have never seen an advertisement and all you read is the bible, you find the concept there. James, writing to those who blame God for their sins, had this to say. “Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.” That desire originates from your mind. Watching pornography always results in its practice. It is a straight line. That is why Jesus cautions us against letting our eyes take us to hell. Rather than that, He says we should pluck out that eye.
Once a you get a thought in your mind, you are very likely to take it all the way to practice. Because, your mind controls everything else. Guess who else knows that? That’s right. The devil. He knew that by planting an idea in Eve’s and Adam’s minds, he could get them to sin against God. And that is exactly what he did, casting doubt on God’s love, all in their minds.
As Your Mind Goes, So Goes Your Health
The result is what you know as the great fall. That is why the bible says we must guard our hearts and minds with all diligence. Otherwise, the devil can make us suffer a great fall along with our minds. Because your body follows your mind. But now, we return to the issue of your health. Moses and Caleb are good role models to have here. If you see with your mind’s eye that you will live long, it happens. This is not some woolly positive thinking thing.
No, the bible says you should be in good health and prosper. How? According to how your soul (mind) prospers. Your good health is dependent on the health and prosperity of your soul. Even outside of the bible, the connection between the mind and the body is clear. That is why health experts define health as a sound mind in a sound body. If your body is sound and your mind is not, you are not in good health.
More and more now, health experts are saying that the differentiation between physical and mental health is artificial. That is because as your mind controls your body. The mind has been called the battleground of life and with good reason. In fact, the Bible says nothing can be done outside of your mind. One good way to protect your mind is to stay away from drugs. Dr. Phil once said on TV that the brain stops developing once you expose it to hard drugs. Hence you find a thirty-year-old man reasoning like a sixteen-year-old. The good doctor claims that that is proof that he started using drugs at sixteen.
Nothing Can Be Done
Keep away from drugs if you want your mind and your body to remain healthy. Because drugs will damage your mind and you know that as your mind goes, so goes your body. Paul, in referencing the power of the mind, wrote this to Philemon. “But without your mind would I do nothing. (So) that thy benefit should not be as it were of necessity, but willingly.” That is how powerful your mind is, not only for your health but for everything. It is a reflection of a verse we used earlier, James 1.15.
Everything, good or bad, sinful or healthy, proceeds from the mind. In other words, as your mind goes, so goes your entire life. Expect us to focus on the health aspect of that concept for a few more weeks. As you probably know, God has given us a sound mind and not a spirit of fear. We must covet God so we can have a sound mind. Once your mind is sound, your body and health will be sound. Remember, as your mind goes, so goes your health.
Stay tuned.