In the past few posts, we emphasized the importance of reading and studying the Bible. You may recall that we just completed verse 22 of Job 22 where the Bible speaks of receiving instruction from God. Then we took a little detour into two men in the bible who received instruction from God by studying…
Author: Ebun E
The Original Cleanser
If you owned a school, would you graduate a student who never read a book? So, allow us to spend another post on the need to study the Bible. Studying the Bible is critical if, like Jabez, we want to see our requests granted. In other words, we must receive instructions from God. We saw…
A Baby Cannot Decree
You are walking down a street, minding your own business. Suddenly, you come upon a baby issuing commands. It catches your attention like the burning bush caught Moses’s attention but this is even more weird. And that is because a baby cannot decree. It will never happen. Babies do not decree, they do not command;…
God Granted His Request
Each believer would like a similar testimony and be able to say that God granted his request. Sadly, it is not so with most of us. We pray and pray and it seems God is not listening or that He does not care. Somebody I know got angry with God, “What more do you want…
Walk In Agreement
At a basic level, we know that two people cannot walk or play together without some level of agreement between them. We realize that without such agreement, fights and quarrels will be constant. The Bible even says so in Amos 3.3. “Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?” I believe the Bible asks it…
Elijah Decreed A Drought
We could have gone on unpacking the trigger for becoming a successful decree maker. But we take a break to point out the importance of receiving instructions from God with a look at Elijah. Elijah is the prophet who decreed a drought. We see the account in 1 Kings 17:1-4. “Elijah the Tishbite, of the…