If you belong to a number of work-oriented congregations, you may be ignorant of the simplicity that is in Christ. And yet, that exact phrase occurs in the bible at 2 Corinthians 11:3. In a previous post, we alluded to the fact that Christ will profit such congregations nothing. Today, we want to highlight the…
Author: Ebun E
The Real Purpose Of Jesus’ Life
We all know why Jesus came to earth and died. It was for you and for me because God so loved the world that He sent His Son. And what He came to do is equally obvious; it is so that we should not perish. So, why are we spending time considering the real purpose…
Stand Against The Wiles Of The Devil
In the sixth chapter of the letter to the church at Ephesus, Paul makes it clear that there is a devil. And not only is he alive and well, but he also has wiles, another word for tricks or cunning. Fortunately, Paul does not simply expose the devil and his tricks, the apostle helps us….
How To Get More Out Of The Day
Have you noticed at your office meetings how some participants appear more effective than others? While other members are busy shuffling through papers, these efficient ones are moving forward with the meeting agenda. These are the participants who know how to get more out of the day. They do not wait until the day of…
Between Anointing And Anointing Oil
Have you ever wondered if there is a difference between anointing and anointing oil? Does the Bible use both terms interchangeably as some preachers do? And if you hear your pastor substituting one for the other, does that bother you? Or are you okay with it? There are a whole lot of questions. And that should…
Jesus Rigged Church For The Believer
By promising to be in the midst of two or three who gather together in His name, Jesus rigged church for the believer. He said where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” That is what I refer to as good rigging, different from our…