If this incident was not so tragic, it would be ludicrous. In the gospel according to St Mark, we see that Jesus was hungry. He looked up and saw in the distance, a luscious fig tree, promissory of food. But up close, Jesus found nothing on it but leaves. The tree was a total letdown….
Author: Ebun E
The End Of The Law Has Come
How many criminals have not wished that the law would cease? Or at least that it would be suspended for their sakes? The most probable answer is that they all have wished for one or another variant of the end of the law. It does not happen. And yet, for us as believers, the end…
Unilateral Declaration of Dependence
If you are a partway decent student of politics, seeing this title will cause you to think that there must be a mistake. You know about the Unilateral Declaration of Independence. Unilateral Declaration of Dependence? You have never heard of that one. Read on, this is your chance to learn about the opposite declaration. A…
Understand Your Manufacturer’s Manual
Unless you believe that you are descended from apes, you recognize that you were created, as in produced or manufactured. Every product comes with a manual, and so do we. But unless you understand your manufacturer’s manual, you may not derive maximum enjoyment from your product. In this instance, the product is your life. Therefore,…
Watch Out For Robbers In Church
You probably never thought that the man sitting next to you in the church could be a robber. But the Bible is clear: anyone who is trying to enter Heaven through a door other than Jesus is a robber. And unless you watch out for robbers in church, they will attempt to influence you. Jesus…
Start Viewing Sin As An Iceberg
Enoch had a testimony, that he pleased God. He experienced a type of the Rapture, our stated goal. Evidently, only those who please God will live with Him eternally. But unless we start viewing sin as an iceberg, we cannot please God. Because that which we observe is merely the tip of the iceberg. Its…