Help Is Available For New Year And All Resolutions Did you know that Divine help with your New Year resolutions is available? And right here is where you will learn how to access divine help with your New Year resolutions. Therefore, allow me to congratulate you for landing on this page. We have discovered the…
Author: Ebun E
Have God At The Very Beginning
Having God at the very beginning resulted in everything you see in the world. And He made them from a state of confusion and formlessness. Which means that no matter how confused and confusing your life was last year, there is a remedy for you. After He created these things, He declared that they are…
Darling Let Me Count The Ways
Darling let me count the ways God has blessed me, as we commemorate the end of this year. If you are familiar with the words “darling let me count the ways” then you must know about Toni Braxton. In the second verse of her song “How Many Ways” she penned a line. And it is the…
The Best Ever Christmas Gift Is Jesus
To celebrate Christmas this year, we want to introduce to you the best ever Christmas gift. We also like to mention that it is free. This gift is superior to all other gifts on so many other levels. However, we shall only consider a few of them this time. And what makes this the best…
You Only Have One Remaining Struggle
As a believer, you only have one remaining struggle. Have you observed fellow Christians struggling to live holy? Or else, they shamefacedly describe their various struggles over sin. Their lives represent a roller-coaster of failures and victories. Perhaps you yourself have often felt the need to try harder and harder to overcome one sin or…
God Laughs At All The Nations
God Does Laugh You may not know it, but God laughs at all the nations. And, for right now, God is laughing at all the nations gathered in Poland, as foretold in Psalm 59:8 You already know of Jesus laughing and weeping. We know of ourselves laughing and weeping. Does it not stand to reason that…