Did you know that one could be bewitched right in church? Believe it or not, I have inadvertently participated in witchcraft at a church meeting. From that time to now, I have taken great care to avoid being bewitched in church. For the sake of completeness, allow me to explain.
The incident in question occurred when I first joined a huge Pentecostal movement. Our group leader led us to perform an act that is nowhere recorded in scriptures. Later that same night, I called him aside and cautioned him never to involve me in any activity that does not have scriptural chapter and verse. Suffice it to say that the shame-faced look on his face after that stern warning cued me to something vital.
The poor man was not trying to be bad, not aware of the evil which he had just visited on the group. Rather, he was simply repeating something he had witnessed from another pastor, perhaps a charismatic individual. You know how they say “monkey see, monkey do?” Well, he was simply aping some preacher he liked.
He himself, not being sharp with his scriptures, had no clue that his practice had no scriptural basis. Sadly, like that gentleman, most church-goers do not truly know their scriptures. They are therefore unable to avoid being bewitched in church. He duly apologized and watched his actions from henceforth to ensure that they were scriptural.
Now, no single post can cover all the possible witchcraft avenues present in the church, there being so many. All we can do here is to give a few examples and end by recommending the sure antidote. Hopefully, armed with the antidote, you can then always avoid being bewitched in church.
Deliberate Abominations In The Temple Of God
Not everyone who practices voodoo in the church is like that poor group leader who did evil in ignorance. Church witchcraft is far from being a modern phenomenon. We see priests as far back as the time of the prophets deliberately doing so. And it was deliberate; within the temple, no less. God exposed the priests to the prophets, notably Ezekiel.
He let him see priests performing abominable acts in the inner sanctuary of the temple. As God took the prophet deeper and deeper into the temple, He showed him increasingly abominable acts. Now, you may be thinking that the actions of the priests had no bearing on the worshippers. You would, of course, be off the mark.
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Because, what can a voodoo priest confer on those in the temple but more of the same? You can only give out what you’ve got. A teabag will only give out tea. Similarly, a priest who practices witchcraft will only give his members witchcraft. Deliberately, in their own case, as opposed to the group leader cited at the start.
An Awareness Of Seducing Spirits Will Help You Avoid Being Bewitched In Church
Even in modern times, you see every sort of creeping thing and abominable beasts, portrayed on the walls of some churches. Me too. But unless you know your scriptures, you would consider these mere decorative murals. Not so, says God.
They represent part of the witchcraft that priests practiced which succeeded in driving God away from His own temple. Picture going to church in a building where God is absent, deliberately chased away by the priests. It might serve you better to simply stay at home than worship in such an establishment.
Nevertheless, animal murals represent just one of the many ways that witchcraft priests of old have transitioned into the present. There are other, more powerful ways in which they now operate. An example is that they have evolved into what we now know as seducing spirits. An awareness of their presence in places of worship should help you avoid being bewitched in church. However, there is a stronger antidote, which we shall get to later.
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Paul recognized these seducing spirits as those who propagate doctrines of devils. And no doubt, you recognize doctrines of devils as nothing but witchcraft. But to identify their doctrines as coming from the devil, you need our promised antidote. It is the only way we know by which you can avoid being bewitched in church.
Paul Warned The Galatians About Witchcraft In Church
These seducing spirits successfully infiltrated the young church in Galatia. Their leaders, inhabited by those spirits, tried to convince the church members of the need for set practices. Their pastor, the Apostle Paul, was so incensed that he referred to them fools. He passionately wondered who had bewitched them.
Poor Galatian Christians. They were aghast. No way could they have imagined that those seemingly innocuous actions which their new teachers required of them represented witchcraft. It is possible that your church leaders have asked you to participate in such rites. Those rites do not appear evil but they represent a switch-and-bait ploy.
And you want to know the father of switch and bait? Satan. In the church at Galatia, leaders requested members to practice the works of the law as a way to salvation. A pastor who shows you something you need to do to perfect your salvation is leading you to witchcraft.
The only way to salvation is through the death of Jesus on the cross. Once you believe and receive Jesus, you have salvation. All salvation is in Jesus, no other. The work of salvation was completed by Jesus on the cross. Any request for an additional ‘act’ on your part negates the effectiveness of the blood of Jesus.
That is the thin edge of the wedge. If you allow it, before too long, you find yourself practicing them as a substitute for Jesus. Successful bait-and-switch. And that is voodoo, aka witchcraft. That is where the Galatian church was before Paul caught the cancer of witchcraft and stoutly rooted it out.
Some Bewitching Practices
An example of bewitching practices is a seemingly innocuous act like linking hands during prayers. On the face of it, linking of hands does not appear evil and we are not suggesting that it is, by itself. But what if your leader has a seducing spirit in charge of his soul? He would be leading you straight into witchcraft.
Not once did you read (if you have been reading your bible) that Jesus linked hands during prayer. But unless you know your scriptures you cannot avoid being bewitched in church. And that is your antidote right there. What did Jesus do in that situation?
Please note that this is not the same as what would Jesus do (WWJD), which is speculative. We are talking here about what Jesus actually did. Yes, you are groaning now because you know what the antidote is. If you want to avoid being bewitched in church, you must know your scriptures like the palm of your hand.
Take, for example, the object of your focus. Unless you have read where it says “looking onto Jesus, any preacher can readily bewitch you. They ask you to focus on your partner, on your pastor or even on your own spirit or whatever. Immediately you do that, you are in contravention of the commandment to focus on Jesus. And any who is not with Jesus is against Him. That is the pure definition of witchcraft.
How To Avoid Being Bewitched In Church
The major difference between all Eastern religions and Christianity is the object of your focus. Christianity focuses on Jesus and Jesus alone. Eastern religions focus on their own spirits or their gurus. Take yoga or other meditative practices for example. You first blank your spirit (a demonic practice) before focusing on your spirit to see what comes out of it. And yet the bible is clear that in us, there is nothing good. Jesus alone should be your focus.
The antidote is quite simple really, not easy because it entails the regular study of scriptures, but simple. Whenever anyone, no matter how charismatic, leads you in an act of worship, ask yourself what Jesus did. Then do it. If Jesus did not do it, don’t do it. That is the only way you can avoid being bewitched in church.

Awesome. So when you are asked in the church to looked at the one sitting on your side, focus on them and prayed together is not right?