For reasons that we will not go into at this time, God promised His people 400 years in slavery. As you can imagine, any form of enslavement is tough but theirs grew increasingly worse. And when a Pharaoh who knew not Joseph ascended the throne, the situation of the children of Israel became intolerable. Moses could no longer endure it and he decided to intervene. He wanted to assist God. However, his intervention was counterproductive. Had he been patient, he would have helped his people to avoid those years of stagnation that ensued.
Thirty Years Of Stagnation
You may know the story but might have never seen the lesson in it for yourself. After they had been stagnating in slavery for three hundred and ninety years, their taskmasters grew unbearable. Moses felt the need to kill and hide one of them. Then he went home to the palace of Pharaoh as if nothing had happened.
However, by the next day, he found out that others knew that he was a murderer. He fled and plunged deep into the desert until he crossed a national boundary. Nobody knew it then, but their additional thirty years of stagnation had commenced. The children of Israel only departed from Egypt and slavery after 430 years. His impatience, with an attempt to help God added 30 years of stagnation to their time as slaves.
Moses Had Forty Years Of Stagnation
In Midian, God caused this immigrant to find favor with a priest. The good manners that someone in Pharaoh’s palace had taught him gave him a leg up. In exchange for room and lodging, Moses kept the priest’s flock. Of course, he also provided security for the priest’s daughters, one of whom he ended up marrying.
For forty years, every morning, this prince would lead out the sheep, water and feed them in the desert. Every evening, he would herd the flock back home and eat dinner. It could not have been an easy task. Add to the tedium of such an existence the fact that one year rolled into another without any progress. If that sounds familiar, you will receive help today to avoid those years of stagnation.
Moses Learned Patient Endurance In Those Years
Poor Moses, it took him a while to realize that he was the cause of his own problems. Like all born into privilege, he was sort of arrogant and short on patience. Moses had a tendency to lose his temper, to put it charitably. He had anger issues, which caused him to kill an Egyptian. He also thought he could help God, the One who can be God all by Himself. So, God enrolled him in the Divine Desert Academy and, for forty long years!
In this school, he could not afford to be angry or impatient – the priest would simply throw him out. And where would he go? He was a fugitive and an immigrant. Moses was totally helpless. God was absolutely in charge. The poor man must have prayed but God was busy schooling him. Until he graduated, there would be no let-up in his lessons. There was no way for him to avoid those years of stagnation.
You Can Avoid Years Of Stagnation
No doubt, you begin to see a link. For years, you have prayed and watched helplessly as the months roll into years. Ask yourself, what character flaw is God trying to rid you of? How long will God have to school you to achieve His purpose in your life? I don’t have your answers, I only have mine. And I know from painful experience that one will surely stagnate unless he quickly learns his lessons.
We pray and fast, but until we learn our particular lesson, we fail to avoid several years of stagnation. My lesson may not likely be yours but our various character flaws lead to stagnation. I share with you the advice that God gave me, teaching me from Moses’ example.
Let God enroll you in His school. Sit quietly before Him and learn. The faster you learn, the sooner school will let out. You will then be out of your years of stagnation, no matter how lengthy they have been.
An Unusual Graduation Ceremony To End Stagnation
Moses finally learned his lesson. He became a mild-mannered man. And then it was time for his graduation, for which God chose the backside of the desert as venue. If the desert was not sufficiently arid, think of its backside. It must have been awful. God’s sense of humor was fully on display here. Simply click on the links (in blue font) to enjoy the story; it is hilarious.
Evidently, God was giving Moses a hoorah day before commissioning him after forty years of stagnation. Moses took it all in stride, in spite of the unusual circumstances. He might choose an unusual graduation ceremony for you. Let Him; after all, He is God. Don’t complain or he might conclude that you need to go back to school.
Commissioning After Those Years of Stagnation
Your schooling need may not likely be Moses’ need, but please take this lesson to heart. Letting God school you will help to avoid years of stagnation. You have prayed long enough. Come out of your years of stagnation and let God commission you for service. Most of us need lessons in patient endurance, an additional lesson that Moses learned in his years of stagnation.
We want our answers instantly and just like Moses, we often intervene to try and help God. Please don’t interfere with God’s timing because that is not always God’s way. Which is not to say that He does not provide instant solutions. He does, but usually only to problems caused by outside influences.
Years Of Stagnation Can Be Useful
When it comes to character flaw modification and eradication, God tends to take His sweet time. Be prepared for a lengthy school stay. In any case, such careful Divine marking is a sign of sonship. Which son is there whom the father does not discipline? He cares is why He takes the trouble to enroll us in His school.
Enjoy it; it will help you to avoid those years of stagnation. You will soon find your God-appointed purpose, just like Moses did. When you do, you will also receive the assurance of God’s Presence. That alone makes all the suffering of those years of stagnation worthwhile, don’t you think?

Thank you for taking time to write this lesson re stagnation. I will read it again and again because it is so true. It is very encouraging…
Glad you like it. Please tell others. God bless you