We stay with this topic because we have a lot of Judaeo influencers among us. They are aggressively attempting to wean you back onto the law of Moses. And you find them right there in church, on TV and in parliament or congress. But unless you know Whom you have believed, they are likely sway you from Jesus. There is another reason for staying on topic at this time. God shared with me a revelation of the pit that exists between Abraham and Jesus.
Between Abraham And Jesus Is The Law
If God shows you something, it is for you to share. And although not all will agree, the bible says, He who has ears to hear, let him hear! It should come as no surprise that on this blog, we choose to align with the bible. Some will hear, some others may sneer but we shall share.
On a recent Saturday evening, as I was meditating on the relationship between the law and the believer, God started to speak. He reminded me that the universal Abrahamic covenant preceded the giving of the Mosaic law. And then, He taught that He gave the law to show us how far down we have fallen from Him. You may already know that the strength of sin is the law.
For instance, one cannot break a law that does not exist. Which is why Eve transgressed in the very aspect of her life that had a condition attached to it. We know that tragic event as the Fall. God further explained that from the Fall until Jesus came, the world remained in that fallen state. I couldn’t argue with any of that! Therefore, I continued to pay attention.
The Pit Between Abraham And Jesus
Next, He showed me a pit with Abraham on one crest and Jesus on the other. At first, I did not quite get the full meaning of the pit but the immediate message was clear enough. God was saying that in the period between Abraham and Jesus is a sinkhole. However, between Abraham and Jesus, there is also a rope, a sort of bailey bridge.
Walking along the bridge takes faith, with the help of the Holy Spirit. Or as Paul says, that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.
On the contrary, relying on the law results in a fall into the pit. Every act of un-confessed sin drops us from the tightrope into the sinkhole. Any careless living and walking drops you down. Thoughts that do not glorify God? Splat! Into the pit of defeat.
Multitudes In The Pit Of The Law
And while I did not see into the depths of the sinkhole, I sensed a multitude in it. The bible says some will try to climb back to Jesus. They may or may not make it, depending on their faith in Jesus and level of diligence. As you can imagine, climbing out of a sinkhole requires hard work. Or you may require a winch. Jesus is our winch out of the pit of the law and sin. He does all the heavy lifting, which commenced on the cross at Calvary. All we need is to hang on to Him in faith.
Evidently, some others in the pit are very happy to be there, as the devil craftily keeps them happily distracted. Neither lament nor dancing can get them to pay attention and look up. Preachers cannot do it either. In that pit, there is total commitment to diversion,increasingly on social media.
God Again Shows The Trough Between Abraham And Jesus
On Sunday morning in church, God pictorially reiterated His lessons of the previous evening. He pointed my attention to the church Christmas bunting, with its crests and troughs. I saw clearly how the pit of the power of sin in the law is effectively keeping people from looking up to Jesus. People remain in the pit, trying but constantly failing, to keep the Mosaic law. You don’t need me to tell you how easily we all fail at that particular endeavor!
But glory be to God, the law is not binding on us if we know our position in Christ. Unfortunately, many do not, thinking that their part is to try and keep the law of Moses. What we often forget is that the law in a great house is for the servant. In that same house, favor, also known as grace, is for the child. Because God already sent His son to die for us, we get to choose either to be a child under grace. Or else, one can choose to remain a servant under law. There are multitudes with the servant attitude in the pit of the law.
There Is Urgency In This Message
If the initial vision was not enough for me to share with you, the second iteration proved compelling. You know, I hope, that when God takes the trouble to double His lesson, we need to pay attention. It means that God will shortly bring it to pass. Please don’t hear me saying that the rapture will take place this year or next.
Similarly, don’t hear me saying it will not take place today. I don’t know the date and neither does anyone. That being said, should we not be boy-scout about it? Should we not try to be prepared, whatever time it happens? Especially since no one knows the date? With that at the back of my mind, I pray and hope that I am accurately describing His revelation. I also pray that you will receive grace to heed.
What if the multitude fails to listen and remains in the sinkhole when the trumpet sounds? I certainly pray not, or as the bible says, God forbid! But it is so easy to fall from a tightrope, as you can imagine. That time we were angry, rude or whatever could have dropped us into the chasm.
Walking The Narrow Way Between Abraham And Jesus
Thanks be to God for His Holy Spirit, who convicts us and takes steps to reinstate us onto the tightrope. The bible describes it as a narrow way. Otherwise, we should all perish in the sinkhole of defeat, attempting to attain Heaven by the keeping of the law. When Jesus balked at the prospect of the cross, God told Him that it was impossibility, There was no other way to reconcile man to God except for Jesus to die.
The law cannot save anyone. Mercifully, Jesus is still holding His end of the rope. And the ones who know that Jesus is the fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant will diligently hang onto the tightrope. They will not drop into the pit of defeat, trying and failing, to live by the keeping of the law. The just shall live by faith.
The Holy Spirit Helps You
And if you have been bewitched, like the Galatians, you can return. They started their journey in the Spirit but desired to attain perfection in the flesh. With that mindset, they immediately dropped into the pit of the law of Moses. Similarly, most of us have been bewitched by the Judaeo influencers in our midst. These influencers work much like the mixed multitude in the midst of God’s children.
On the march to the promised land, the mixed multitude always seduced the people to try and return. In the same way, these false teachers are now seducing Christians to try and return to the law. They want you to abandon the Holy Spirit and return to the curse of religious legalism.
I beg you by the mercies of God, don’t do it. Take hold of the Holy Spirit and remain on the narrow way between Abraham and Jesus. You will then be on the right path, between the giving of the Covenant and its fulfillment. Return to faith in Jesus and abandon the lost cause of attempting to gain heaven through the law.

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