Every culture on earth has one or more masquerades but no culture associates them with the church. We concern ourselves with church masquerades on this journey to divine health for one reason and one reason only. Unless you heed the warning in this post, you may be deceived into thinking that Jesus is helpless to heal. That is because there are so many people in the church who regularly flock to healing services. And you wonder what the problem could be.
Does Jesus heal or does He not heal? In one of those healing services, somebody mentioned that by the stripes of Jesus, we were (already) healed. So why is it not working? The real danger, and the reason it concerns us on this health journey is that you might lose hope. When you see those so-called giants of the faith struggling to receive healing, you might give up on claiming your own healing. Your thinking is that if Pastor or Reverend So-and-so is not healed, what makes me, an ordinary member, think Jesus can heal me?
Without this cautionary note, you may start to believe that all who think of Jesus as the great physician are liars. But we cannot stand by and let these church masquerades continue. They confuse people into thinking God is at fault in their illnesses, giving God a bad name. Keep in mind, we are on this journey to good health, the Christian way.
And the reason we want to be in good health is to live long enough to fulfill God’s purpose. I hope you know God did not create you just to eat and take up space on earth. He created us to give Him pleasure by making disciples of all nations.
Not All In The Church Are Christians
We believe that we may have to try and avoid dying young in order to do that, especially if you are a late bloomer. Before we consider that not all who sit in church are true Christians, we acknowledge the fine Christians who are still ill. We sympathize with them and realize that God knows why that is so. When we get to Heaven, God will share that with us.
Meanwhile, what we do know boils down to one thing – church masquerades. What?! You heard that right. A lot of people who sit in church on Sunday are not Christians, not even close. I have heard of some who are both in the church and in the occult. The bible even indicates that this is not a modern phenomenon. The eighth chapter of Ezekiel is a real eye-opener in that regard. There, you see priests – yes, priests – worshipping idols in the dark when they think no one is watching.
They are masquerading, forgetting that to God, light and darkness are the same. At verse 16 of that chapter, God brought the prophet Ezekiel into the inner court of the Lord’s house. “And there, at the door of the temple of the Lord, were about twenty-five men with their backs toward the temple of the Lord. Their faces were toward the east, and they were worshiping the sun toward the east.” You see from that chapter that church masquerades include priest, elders, men, and women.
Church Masquerades Are Outside God’s Covenant
Imagine you are writing your last will and testament. Your able lawyer suggests you should include the house help in the sharing of your assets. You have no problem with that, until you recall how hypocritical he always is. You refuse to give him any of your property. It is the same way with God. He has made an unbreakable covenant with believers.

He is a kind God but when He considers how hypocritical the church masquerades are, He withholds His kindness. Why should they share in His goodness with His true children? Why indeed? So, if you find your heart is not right with God, your best bet may not be yet another visit to the doctor. Your next line of action is to visit to Jesus, whom you already know as the great physician. We saw in the previous post that He is none other than Jesus.
Ignore the Reverend So-and-so and simply go for your own healing. That is why the Apostle Paul charges us to run the race that is set before us. Run your race towards health and let Reverend So-and-so run his own race. For all you know, he may be a church masquerade, an unbeliever wearing Christian clothes. The Bible says only God knows those who are His. Do not let the Pastor’s race stop your own. God is able to heal you.
To your health! Maranatha!