What do you think of your neighbor who goes out every night? She is dressed in tight-fitting clothes and made up like a mannequin. You look and conclude that she is a lady of pleasure. There is no doubt in your believer mind that she cannot make Heaven. And that is very distressing to you. But you got yourself into this situation by looking at another human being. If you have been busy developing eyes only for Jesus, you will not be in your current state of distress.
Developing Eyes Only For Jesus Is A Clear Instruction
The people in Paul’s time must have been like most of us believers of today. When we are not busy with the grapevine, aka social media, we are spending time gossiping. And you cannot gossip unless you know something juicy about somebody else. That mandates us to closely examine them to be able to pick up dirt about them.
Unfortunately, the more you examine others, the more likely you are to compare them to yourself. The Apostle Paul saw the series of sins in that course of action. First, there is gossip, an aspect of being busybodies. Then there is the looking, which is also evil. But since that is the entire thesis of this post, we shall revisit it later in order to do justice to it.
Finally, he saw the comparison, which is odious at best. The bible says that when we compare ourselves with one another, we are not wise. In other words, we are fools to engage in comparison. Consequently, that apostle made a proclamation. He told us to get busy with developing eyes only for Jesus.
Looking unto Jesus, the author, and finisher of our faith. He opines that developing eyes only for Jesus is the only way to enjoy the Christian journey. We should lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us, he says. Your focus on your neighbor is easily ensnaring you into the sin of gossiping and comparison.
Therefore, the apostle wisely counsels us to focus on Jesus. Developing eyes only for Jesus. He is the start and completion of our faith. By developing eyes only for Jesus, shall we readily make to it to the finish line.
Developing Eyes Only For Jesus Will Preclude Looking Down.
Do you remember your neighbor, the lady of pleasure as you assumed? She may not be what you presume. But that is of little significance because if your focus is Jesus, you don’t have time to look down on anyone. The corollary to that is that if you are looking down on anyone, you are not focusing on Jesus. It is quite possible that you have shifted your gaze completely from Jesus.
You are not spending time developing eyes only for Jesus. Keep in mind, this phrase implies an element of exclusivity. Your hundred percent focus should be on Jesus. That is how it is when you are in love. You have eyes only for your love. The others in the room do not matter to you.
In the same way, the others in the world or our neighborhood or even in our church should not concern us. If we are serious about developing eyes only for Jesus, that is. If you look down on anyone, it implies that you have been paying attention to them. When your full attention should rightly be on Jesus.
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In any case, Jesus does not look down on anyone. If He did, none of us would stand. Like Him, we should keep our eyes gazing forward. Try to observe from today. Those who have eyes only for Jesus don’t look down on others. They don’t look at others, period. Too enamored of the Lover of their soul, they are too busy developing eyes only for Jesus.
Don’t Look Up Either
Similarly, if you are busy developing eyes only for Jesus, you don’t have time to look up at others either. This concept may come as a shock to most believers. Particularly those who have developed fathers and mothers in the Lord. These are mentors (they believe) to whom they look up.
Such Christians argue that prophet Elisha looked up to Prophet Elijah. Joshua looked up to Moses and so on and so forth. It was the tradition. Right, but since Jesus came into our lives, God appointed us as priests and kings unto Himself.
With the coming of Jesus, the end of the law and such traditions has come, as we observed in an earlier post. Now, we have only one focus left and His name is Jesus. Think of how your baby looks at you to further understand this concept. Looking up to others is no different from looking down on others. In each case, you have shifted your gaze from Jesus.
Start Today Developing Eyes Only For Jesus
Allow me to scandalize you by saying it does not matter who the so-called father in the Lord is. The minute you start to look up to them is when you are no longer looking unto Jesus. Your faith then starts to shake because that father in the lord is merely human. He did not die for you the way Jesus did.
You may recall (if you are old enough) how a lot of believers lost their faith when a powerful televangelist fell. He (who shall remain nameless here) was discovered to be in the firm grip of pornography. All who had been looking up to him fell with him. That is the danger of not developing eyes only for Jesus. He alone is the finisher of our faith. Jesus alone has the power to take us to that finish line. He will take us to Heaven but we must keep our eyes firmly on Him.