Help Is Available For New Year And All Resolutions
Did you know that Divine help with your New Year resolutions is available? And right here is where you will learn how to access divine help with your New Year resolutions. Therefore, allow me to congratulate you for landing on this page. We have discovered the key to receiving divine help with New Year resolutions and other goals you may have.
If you are like most of us, you made resolutions at the start of this year. And like most of us, right about now, you are thinking of trashing those same resolutions. Let me encourage you, don’t. You have done a good thing, drawing up resolutions, especially in the New Year. They give you a goal towards which you can work throughout the year.
Why New Year Resolutions
And right here is where you receive divine help with your new year resolutions, no matter how unattainable they appear. No doubt, you are ready to laugh at the claim that there is divine help with your new year resolutions. Laugh if you want to, but don’t go away. Once you learn the secret of obtaining divine help with your new year resolutions, you will be surprised that you did not think of it.
You have always failed to achieve much of any of your resolutions. Indeed, you have failed so much, you have started to doubt the sense in making resolutions. To now hear that divine help with your new year resolutions is available seems too good to be true. Stay with me.
How To Access This Divine Help With Your Resolutions
- Your first step is to reconsider those resolutions carefully.
- Next, turn them into a list if they are not already listed.
- Do your best to rank them in order of difficulty – with the easiest first and the most difficult last.
- Next, read up the divine help passage in the bible.
The key verse for divine help with your new year resolutions says “Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” Since the passage starts with the word ‘therefore’, you may need to look up the passage, so that you can read it in context.
You may already know that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Therefore, build up your faith by saying those words aloud to yourself. The bible calls that act mediation. You think about the verse, say it aloud, read it again and say it aloud. Each time, you put the emphasis on a different word. I wish I could tell you the prescribed number of times you need to say it to build up your faith. But we are all made differently, especially in the things of faith. Try doing the above cycle of reading , thinking and saying for a few days. Your faith should be strong by then.
Divine Help With Your First New Year Resolution
And if your faith remains shaky at first, consider your list again. You will see why it was important to make ranked bullet-point list of your New Year resolutions. As you examine it, pick out the easiest bullet point. Since nothing succeeds like success, you need to succeed before you can go on to the harder ones. Your success with the easiest resolution will build up your faith for tougher resolutions.
Let us say that you have resolved to get rid of some pounds of weight – usually the most common New Year resolution. And no wonder. With all the goodies available over the Christmas holiday, we all – present company included – tend to pack on the pounds. So, imagine that you need to lose a few pounds. You naturally include that commitment top of the list of New Year resolutions. You and me both.
Believe In Divine Help With Resolutions
However, you know from previous experience that you are likely to fail. The probability that those extra pounds will taken up residence in your physique is high. Any thought of losing weight usually leaves your heart pounding, your brow breaking out in sweat and your legs weak. Defeat is already looming large in your mind. You just know that that is no way to live your life. Those pounds must go.
The first thing to remember is that past failure is not an forecast of future failure. Especially if you are open to receiving divine help. With that verse positively ringing in your ears, you take your first physical step. Go out and find someone who is unable to lose weight. Find someone who is absolutely petrified at the thought of weight loss. Befriend them.
Give Help To Someone With Their New Year Resolutions
Next, offer them help. You know, the same help you wish someone would have offered you in previous years. Offer that same help to someone else. Walk with them. Share high-fiber meals with them. Go to the movie theater with them. While there, share a box of plain, un-buttered popcorn. Observe that it has to be without the butter. Do for then what you wish someone would do for you.
That is what the passage in Matthew 7 is talking about. As you do so, you (even unwittingly) open the door of divine help with your new year resolutions yo yourself.
You may need divine help with a different resolution. Your problem may not be with weight loss. It may be a need to overcome your fear of heights. Fortunately, the same principle applies to whatever issue you need to conquer. I should know because it worked with my fear of flying. I received divine help to overcome my fear of flying.
Receiving The Help You Proffer With Others’ Resolutions
Each time I boarded particularly a small aircraft in the past, I could hear the boom-boo-di-boom of my heart. On this one occasion, we were flying from Nashville to Memphis. You probably know that no airline will deploy a large aircraft for such a short hop. Therefore my heart sounds went into overdrive. Even though I did not know my scriptures so well back then, God was still offering me divine help. He gave me the same help I am offering you here. He sat me next to an older woman.
She was clutching a bouquet of roses and she was as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof. In spite of the furious drumming in my heart, I could see that I was in better shape. To try and calm her, I started a conversation. This lady heard how to stop the popping in her ears, among other tips about flying comfortably. Her daughter had just had a baby in Memphis and she was on her way to see her granddaughter. The roses were for the baby. And she did not mind confessing to her nervousness. All in all, we had a very pleasant exchange.
Give Help To Others With Their Resolutions
And in what seemed like no time at all, we were preparing to land. Where did the time go? My ear had not popped once. All the butterflies in my stomach were paralyzed, evidently. I remember it like yesterday even though it happened several decades ago. And why? Because it taught me a wonderful lesson. And this is the lesson that I am sharing with you now.
I learned from that experience that whatever you want, make it happen for others. And without any effort (or prayers for that matter), it will happen for you. I call it divine help because it is based on God’s word. I had wanted to relieve the lady’s nervousness and ended up allaying my own fears without even realizing it. It was not until later that I discovered the bible verses that say the same thing.
The verse in Matthew 7 which I shared earlier is one of them but there are several others. They all teach you how to receive divine help for your new year resolutions as well as other resolutions. They include the one in which God speaks to you, commending you for helping others. He will say to you, “Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.” Ooh, that is so good, don’t you think? It is a direct chute of divine assistance for your resolutions.
Whenever Possible, Give Help With Believers’ Resolutions
Fortunately for you and I, this principle works every time. It is even more iron-clad if the one you support is a believer. You have guaranteed results because, then, you are doing it for God. I discovered later that there is a verse which says that you lend to God when you pity the poor. You know of course that being poor is not only about finances. The poor lady on the flight to Memphis had a different category of poverty.
Most of our New Year resolutions imply one or another type of poverty. It is something we need resolved. We need help with each of them. That is precisely why it made it onto your list of New Year resolutions. When you have received this divine help with your first resolution, proceed to the next and help someone with the same help that you need for that one. You may have to reread the verses as well.
And please let us know each of your successes. It will definitely encourage some who need divine help with their new year resolutions and that will bring you further divine help. Try it. This works.
God bless you.