We could have gone on unpacking the trigger for becoming a successful decree maker. But we take a break to point out the importance of receiving instructions from God with a look at Elijah. Elijah is the prophet who decreed a drought. We see the account in 1 Kings 17:1-4. “Elijah the Tishbite, of the inhabitants of Gilead, said to Ahab, ‘As the LORD God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, except at my word.’”
We note two important points in the account. The prophet was bold to declare and proclaim, another word for decree. He ended the decree with “except at my word.” I wonder how many of us can be like that. There is no need to respond since we all know the answer is ‘none.’ We are afraid, not only of past failures but also because we know we do not qualify to decree a thing. Before too long, some of us will become qualified, in Jesus’ name.
More importantly, when Elijah decreed a drought, did he pull the thought out of a hat? Where did the idea come from? He could have decreed death for King Ahab and his equally evil wife. He could have said that Israel would go into captivity. In our first post in this series on the Promises of God, I mentioned that I decreed health. Where did I get that thought from?
The Bible Was the Reason Elijah Decreed A Drought
Elijah decreed a drought because he had been paying attention to the Word of God. That is another way of saying he received instruction from the mouth of God. The man knew his scriptures. They did not have as much as we do now but what he had, he studied. From there, Elijah saw that God promised to bring a drought on any nation that did evil. God did not say He would kill the King or bury the queen. That came later.
Elijah decreed a drought because that was what he saw from his study of the scriptures. Unless you study your bible to know the mind of God, you may decree strange things. I have heard of religious leaders counseling a man to leave his wife because God said she was not truly his wife. Please show us the chapter and verse in the Bible of such a statement.
Imagine for a moment if such a pastor had decreeing powers. Wives and husbands would be playing musical chairs. So, in His wisdom, God does not award you a decreeing certificate until you truly know what His word says.
Elijah decreed a drought because the word of God promised drought to a nation that did evil. The word of God is also the reason I am decreeing health. The Bible assures me that Jesus secured my healing with His stripes. Elijah stood on the word of God; I stand on the word of God and so can each of us.
The Prophet Had Help
Elijah also needed help to make the decree. Gladly, it is help that all believers have. Jesus promised us that help before He returned to Heaven after His earthly ministry. In John 14.16-17, the Bible says, “And I will pray (to) the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever. The Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.”
Elijah decreed a drought because he received help from Heaven in two important ways. Without help from heaven, he might not have understood what he studied. Some students work hard and still fail. The Ethiopian Eunuch did not understand what he read from the prophet Isaiah. In the same way, without the help of the Holy Spirit, many believers would not understand the Bible.
Elijah understood Deuteronomy 11.16-17 where God warned Israel about doing evil. “Take heed to yourselves, lest your heart be deceived. And you turn aside and serve other gods and worship them. Lest the Lord’s anger be aroused against you and He shut up the heavens so that there be no rain.” That is powerful. Elijah decreed a drought because he thoroughly understood the mind of God. He knew from the Bible that God said he would shut up heaven so there would be no rain.
Discernment Is Not Automatic
Next, God helped Elijah know and discern the times and seasons. Elijah decreed a drought because he knew that the evil of Ahab and Jezebel had reached a climax. He must have had help discerning the times and seasons. Guess what, you also have that help because you are a believer. The more you study the Bible, the more the Holy Spirit grows and manifests in your life.
This sequence should not surprise us. If you refuse to study the Bible, you may not even know you have the Holy Spirit. But the more you study the Bible, the more you see the Holy Spirit helping you. He helps you to understand the scriptures, to be bold, and to discern the times and seasons. You become wise. Elijah became wise and decreed a drought. The land feared God as a result.
The prophet also decreed fire. Instead of singing that the God that answers by fire should be our God, we should learn to imitate Elijah. God also helped Elijah to be as bold as a lion. You know what the bible says about being bold like that. It meant the prophet was righteous because only righteous believers can be that bold. There is no need for a poll here. Your heart will let you know if you are that bold. If not, you need to ask God to help you become righteous.