In the recent past, at about this time of the year, the entire world gets hot under the collar on climate change. Several organizations, not limited to the United Nations, sing dirges about the apocalyptic effects of global warming. The dire predictions have started again this year, forcing us to make a decision on whom to believe. Thus, holding the word of God up against the doomsday reports, we could only come up with one conclusion. And that is that the fervent heat of climate change is coming.
Last year, we considered climate change conclusions and came to one conclusion. God is laughing at the nations. On a less global scale, you too may be highly amused by the conferees at these climate change meetings. They take a gas-guzzling jet to their meeting only to conclude that you should give up beef. And why? The cow fart warms up the air something awful.
You laugh now because the heat from a cow fart is infinitesimal compared to the global warming effect of flying. Of course. Consequently, this past year, we have joined God in remaining amused as we eagerly anticipated this year’s climate change numbers.
The numbers are coming in, fast and furious. And the outlook is grim. Some who study the climate even say that the world is at the tipping point. Interestingly, those who study the word of God claim the same. There is no going back.
We Cannot Stop The Fervent Heat Of Climate Change
First off, global warming deniers are smoking something. And it must not be the word of God or the science of climate change. The earth is warming up; whether slowly or rapidly, the data is inconclusive and imprecise. But that the world and its inhabitants are about to self-destruct is not in any doubt.
This year, we have learned that not only is the carbon emissions gap not decreasing, it is actually increasing. Translation? The calculated end of the world is closer now than it was last year. Come next year, will the prognosis for this world be even worse? Put another way, can the phenomenon ever be slowed? Not likely. Not unless we all start behaving like Greta Thunberg.
Do you see that happening even as you book your next flight? Or as others malign her for meddling with their bottom line? No. Without a doubt, there is fervent heat in our future. And it seems that there is nothing we can do to stop or slow it. That the world is relentlessly warming up is not open to controversy. You have to ask yourself. Is this inexorable march towards a warming apocalypse good or bad?
It depends on your perspective. Do you see global warming, disappearing glaciers and rising sea levels? That would be catastrophic, particularly if you live in Tuvalu or some such low-lying island. However, if you look more closely in the light of God’s word, you may see a build-up to fervent heat. And that would make you ecstatic.
Amused At The Fervent Heat of Climate Change
Rapturous at climate change? How can such gloom and doom give rise to amusement and rapture in anyone? Don’t they know that we are all in this boat together? Are they unable to appreciate that we are all lurching headlong toward the end of the world as we know it? Until we let you into our secret, you are likely to remain angry at such ‘fools.’
Oh yes, we all – believers and unbelievers alike – know that the end of the age is upon us. And yet, some of us see a ray of hope. You see, both concepts – fervent heat and global warming – are interconnected. Nevertheless, each comes to the chafing table from a different worldview.
You may recall the antediluvian episode in which Noah had to build an over-sized boat. While that respected man bounced around in his barge, God destroyed the rest of the world with a flood of global proportions. At the end of that event, He promised Noah and the world that He would never again destroy the world with water.
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The rainbow is His sign to Himself to never again bring a global flood on the earth. The climatologists agree that unless we get off our collective failure to act, the world is on its last legs. If not with a flood then, how will the end come to this world?
With fervent heat, that’s how. We read that the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat. Both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Ha! No flood this time; just a fervent heat to burn up all the stuff that currently excites us. A real global conflagration is on its way.
In View Of This, How Should We Live?
And that is why some may be excused for being amused at the global warming doomsday shenanigans. They have the inside track on global warming. Believers see how the fervent heat of climate change is coming, sooner rather than later. They know that the creator of Heaven and of the earth is totally on track with heating up the world. How else would the heat become so hot as to melt the elements and burn up the earth?
As these past ten or so years have revealed, the earth will continue to get warmer. When it gets hot enough, it will turn to fervent heat, capable of melting the elements you see now. And now that the secret is out, how should we live? What should our response be to the upcoming fervent heat of climate change?
First, stop wringing your hands at global warming. It is not a precursor of trouble for all who have trusted their lives to Jesus. He promised to come and get you to a safe place – the home of many mansions. Indeed, it speaks of your deliverance from this decaying and rapidly warming world.
Change Your Attitude Toward Climate Change
And if you are not yet on the inner lave with Jesus, do it today. Ask Him to come into your life and start sharing His perspective of current affairs with you. Trust me, that is the only way the affairs and situation of this world will not leave in perpetual despair.
Next, you are to live in holy conduct and godliness. We should be looking forward to the coming of the day of the Lord with eagerness. Because that is the day in which the upcoming fervent heat will do its thing. Next, we must do all in our power to be spotless and to be found by Him as we live in peace. Finally, we should grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Regardless of the time of year, today is a good time to commit to Jesus, while it is called today. Only then can you have the right perspective on global warming. You can then join God in laughing as He watches the nations wring their hands in anguish.
For the believer, global warming speaks of a soon-coming joy. That is when global warming will turn to fervent heat to usher us into God’s presence as it burns earthly stuff.
We wish you a most heaven-ready New Year
The planetary bodies can’t but do their job, with or without the aid of humans. Obvious that in modern history, the reckless activities of industrialization has impacted the natural cycle. Even with all the rumble in the jungle, the Creator remains the center of my universe because of mercy through the Christ !