There is a popular verse in the bible. “Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’” You probably know already that most Christians use it to mean that we must do good to others. But while that would be an accurate application of the verse, it would be an incomplete interpretation. To fully understand it, you must use it to gauge your behavior towards God.
Gauge Your Behavior Towards God in All Things
Keep in mind, Jesus made these remarks in relation to who will get a reward in heaven. If you have treated your brethren right, you have done it to Jesus. And He will welcome you home. If, however you have treated them badly, you will be consigned to hell.
That is clear to all good believers. Therefore, it would not surprise me to find that it is back of our minds each time we reach it out to our brethren. However, I doubt that we have ever thought of using it to gauge our behavior towards God.
We have not actively said to ourselves that as I am behaving to this brother is exactly how I am behaving to God. We do not stop to think that we can actually gauge our behavior towards God in how we behave towards others.
Let me ask: How are you behaving towards others today? That is an accurate gauge of your behavior towards God. You do not need rocket science to see that a respectful person will reverence God. And that is even before we get to Heaven. What does God think of my behavior now?
Use Apologies To See How Well You Behave Towards God
Take Apologies as an instance. Do you find it hard to apologize for bad behavior? Or do you rationalize it and try to justify it? Some Christians will usually claim that the other guy started it. And that he therefore deserves your bad behavior
Consequently, without knowing it, they are exposing themselves to others that they find it hard to say sorry to God. It is a direct gauge of your behavior towards God. You will find it hard to ask God for forgiveness.
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And yet, we know that He only forgives those who ask for forgiveness. Because God is totally faithful and just but only…. He does require you to ask for forgiveness before He will cleanse you from all unrighteousness. If this helps you to gauge your behavior towards God going forward, that would be a wonderful achievement.
The Failure Of King Saul
King Saul failed to see a need for apologies to Samuel. At God’s behest, that great prophet had gone to the King with an allegation of bad behavior. You may recall the story. Rather than say sorry, Saul rationalized his sin and tried to justify His actions.
Boy, that attempt at justification for sin made Samuel positively livid! Consequently, he pronounced judgment on King Saul. The King would lose the Kingdom immediately. Because God has greater pleasure in obedience than in offerings, God rejected the King.
God took the King’s behavior to the prophet as a gauge of Saul’s behavior towards Himself. In the same way, God employs your behavior to others as a measure of your behavior towards Him.
Gauge Your Behavior Towards God By Readiness to Say Sorry
You may wonder at the harshness of that judgment and sentence. That is until you see how God deals with those who are not too arrogant to ask for forgiveness. Those who, like King David, are always ready to say sorry.
David was also a king. That means that your readiness to say sorry has nothing to do with your station in life. It is more of an attitudinal problem, as we saw in an earlier post. God was thoroughly displeased with King David because he was both a murderer and an adulterer.
Nevertheless, King David received favor from God. And yet, the only difference between both kings was David’s readiness to apologize. It is very easy to see how such behavior is a direct measure of how you behave towards God.
If you show a readiness to say sorry to the prophet, you are likely to readily apologize to God. God was pleased with David’s willingness to say sorry. He caused the king to retain his kingdom, even to this day.
Other Acts To Gauge Your Behavior Towards God
Unwillingness to apologize to God is the clearest way to gauge your behavior towards God. However, this is just one of several such acts. Consider, when Jesus made the original statement, He was referring to your acts of generosity. First, ask yourself: how generous are you as a person? Keep in mind, we are not talking about money or material only. Although it could be that, your generosity is not limited in any way
Secondly, are you ready with a smile? Third, do you readily compliment others for one thing or the other? Finally, are you easily pleased and are therefore prone to show appreciation? Guess what? These represent a gauge of your behavior towards God. How often do you simply smile at God for being such a wonderful Father to you?
Anyone looking at you can tell by the way you bestow a smile on others. Do God’s dealings with you readily please you? Or are you inclined to wonder what God has done for you lately? Your response is obvious in the way you show appreciation to those around you.
Today, Start To Gauge Your Behavior Towards God.
If you are grumpy to people, it does not require rocket science to see that you are grumpy towards God. Your willingness to give compliments to others is an accurate way to gauge your behavior towards God. It may be that you don’t thank God enough.
Start doing so today by thanking those who are around you. I think that Steve R Covey says it so well. “Sow a thought, reap an action; (and) sow an action, reap a habit. Sow a habit, reap a character; (Finally), sow a character, reap a destiny.” What destiny will you and I reap?
We must start right now as we imbibe this thought: your behavior to me is how you gauge your behavior towards God. I definitely hope to see you soon, both of us with great behavior, towards each other! Amen.