Having God at the very beginning resulted in everything you see in the world. And He made them from a state of confusion and formlessness. Which means that no matter how confused and confusing your life was last year, there is a remedy for you. After He created these things, He declared that they are ‘very good’. The first line of Genesis puts God at the very beginning for a reason.
Reason For God At The Beginning
As we start on this new year, we have to consider the reason for putting God at the very beginning of everything. It may be that as this dawn of the year, you urgently need God to create good things in your life. You may require God’s intervention in your job or with your relationships. None of these needs is too hard for Him. Nevertheless, God does not function as an add-on or a plugin.
Unfortunately, most times, we treat God as an add-on. And then we wonder why life is a series of struggles. Whenever you treat God as an add-on, you limit Him. He then has no choice but to remain in the background, where you have consigned Him. For Him to create that good thing you desire, you need to put God at the very beginning of your life.
The Nation Fared Better With God First
When we put God at the very beginning of the nation, as “In God we trust” we fared much better than now. Because now, we go to court to protest some who trust in God. We label such a litigation freedom. While it is true that we are free to sue others for putting God at the very beginning of their transactions, the results are obvious. And they are not good. Not at all. Such movements only prove one thing. You can be right but unhappy, even suicidal.
On the other hand, those who put God at the very beginning of every act are happy. Even when they lose the litigation. We would do well to take a cue from national events and place God at the very beginning of our lives. That is, if we need Him to be active in our situations.
Whatever Your Need, Put God At The Beginning
I don’t know what you are trusting God for at this critical time. A loving family? Perhaps it is a great job? Maybe you already have the job of your dreams but would love a promotion? It could be that you simply want to be healthy. The good news is that it does not matter how diverse your needs are. God is more than able to meet them. Only be sure that you put God at the very beginning of each one.
Don’t attend a job interview without praying and asking for guidance. Learn to put God at the very beginning of every step and He will show forth on your behalf. That girl you want for a life partner, don’t talk to her until you have spoken to God about her. That is, you put God at the very beginning of your relationship. Even exercising or dieting or whatever for your health requires you to have God at the very beginning of it.
Help To Put God at The Very Beginning
Now, this is easier said than done, as you may have already discovered. The human mind finds it so difficult to insert God at the very beginning that the children of Israel failed to do so. On their journey to the Promised Land, they took God as an add-on. The result is that of the estimated two million who started out, only two made it to their goal. One day soon, we shall learn from the secrets of those two who succeeded to the end to ensure that we too soon start to rack up success after success.
Suffice it to say here that they were steadfast in their faith in God. And the easiest way to be steadfast is to have an anchor for your soul. His other name is the Holy Spirit. And since the Holy Spirit is a gift from Jesus, your first step is to invite Jesus into your life to be your Savior. He then has the chance to give you of His Holy Spirit, who makes you steadfast in faith. Caleb and Joshua were steadfast and they entered into their inheritance.
Failure To Put God At The Very Beginning
On the other hand, all the others found it hard to place God at the very beginning of their thoughts, their words and their deeds. Consequently, they perished in the desert. Now, I could start praying for you that you will not perish. Or I could declare that this is your year of greatness or some sweet nonsense. However, that would be religious dishonesty because any who does not put God at the very beginning will likely perish. And that, in spite of prayers or declarations of any pastor.
The bible is replete with examples of people who failed to give priority to God and who perished. Time would fail us to fully examine them all but you do know of the Samson saga. He was born with a ministerial calling already upon his life. Unlike most of us who are called later in life, this man entered the world already chosen by God. Wow as that is, Samson died an ignoble death. And all because he never learned to put God at the very beginning of his decisions and desires.
Prayers Are Useless Unless God Is Given First Place
All the prayers in Israel could not save him from perishing with his tormentors. Please do not hear me speaking against prayers. We need to ask. But asking without doing the necessary is a significant portion of asking amiss. And doing the necessary is learning to put God at the very beginning of all. It is only then that prayers will yield desired results.
Therefore, it is important to take this teaching to heart. It is only as you give God first place in your life that you begin to see good results. Do not let any preacher deceive you by declaring that this is your year of great things. That is, unless they also teach you to put God at the very beginning of all that you do. When you learn to put God first, all these things which you desire shall be added onto you.
God bless you,

I really commend you for this word of truth and sound teaching. God should NEVER be treated as an add-on in our lives but the beginning and ending of our lives. God bless you.
The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help us God….
Great message to start the New Year. Nicely done.
Will share with family and friends. Thanks for blessing us with your God-given talent.
As long as we rely on the wisdom of man, following psychologists, philosophers, instead of the wisdom of God, we will always assume we know it all until all crumble. Then we wake up to know that we are nothing but clay or ashes. We are lucky if the Grace of God redeems us back to reality. This the lot of man from Adam and Eve. Thanks
Amen, so let it be
Amen. Keep reading
You are right. Any human system, no matter what name it goes by, always leads to destruction.
Thank you. That is the idea so that we encourage friends and family with our comments