There is an interesting word picture in the book of Prophet Malachi, in the third chapter. It speaks of a few people who were gossiping and apparently, God was listening to these gossipers. All because they were gossiping God. It is one of my favorite verses because I am covetous of being in God’s book of remembrance.
And one surefire way of getting your name on God’s book of remembrance is to engage in gossiping God. Of course, there are additional benefits but that one does it for me. By all means, be a gossiper if you like, but like these people, let your topic of gossip be God. As for me, gossipping God is the best sport, bar none. For those who do not really love God, that may be a tall order. But those who fear Him cannot say enough about Him. They talked to one another about Him, telling of His greatness. Has God been good to you? Then, you need to join those who are gossiping God.
Benefits of Gossiping God
You may wonder why you have to let God be the subject of any gossip you undertake. Gossiping God comes with a lot of benefits, of which we can only consider a few here. First of all. God opened a book of remembrance for them. Please note that God does not need to be reminded of you. But to comfort us, He has a book of remembrance for those who love gossiping God.
Secondly, God claims them as His own. He says, “they are mine.” If being in His book does not motivate you, this should cause you to join in gossiping God. Next, God makes you one of His jewels. Imagine being a jewel of God and it becomes easy for you to join us.
We can go on and on but read it for yourself in the third chapter of Malachi 3 from verse sixteen onwards. One benefit you may not find there is this. When you are so busy gossiping God, you have no time to gossip about others. And that alone gets you out of much trouble.
Beginning Of Wisdom
Who are these people who are busy running their mouths about God? And how can you truly become like them? They feared God, reverenced Him, and gave Him so much glory that He became their theme. Every time and everywhere, the name and acknowledgment of God were on their lips.
Naturally, because you fear God, you will obey His every command. Please observe this is not a large group and the reason is that a lot of believers do not fear God. How you will identify them is that every word that proceeds out of their mouths somehow lifts God up. I hope you are one such believer who is always gossiping God.
For them, the fear of God was truly the beginning of wisdom. That means that gossiping God from the reverence of Him will make you wise. Little wonder God promised that the Sun of Righteousness will arise on them. And how does He arise? With healing in His wings. You may not know the implication of that last sentence. Many of us could receive our healing if we would join in gossiping God. We could then spend less time harassing Him in prayer. It is that simple.
Don’t Gossip Men
Unfortunately, we are so busy gossiping about others and social media that we miss out on the main thing. Perhaps this post will motivate you to drop all other subjects of gossip and start on the eternally important one. Other forms of gossip are nothing but distractions on our journey to Heaven. Those forms debar you from getting your name on God’s book of remembrance. How then will they help you to get to God? No way.
Indeed, it has been said that the word gossip is a derivative of two words: God and sibling. In other words, whenever you are gossiping God, you are being a sibling of God. Now, I cannot be sure of that derivation but wouldn’t it be nice to be so closely related to God? Then, anywhere He is, there you are with Him. Hallelujah. Determine to become an incurable gossip today. Only make sure you are gossiping God and God alone.