In the post on Jesus kept walking, we mentioned Jesus’s line of work almost in passing. Now, we have time to develop that concept. What is that line of work, you may wonder? It is the reason He left home to come and walk the earth. You could say it is heaven’s purpose for sending Him to us. In a nutshell, Jesus left home to come and buy us an exit ticket from hell. The bible says that Jesus left heaven to destroy the works of satan. That is heaven’s purpose and has been since Adam and Eve fell prey to the devil.
I trust you already know that satan’s purpose is to take as many people as possible to hell. He did so in heaven when he took one third of the angels with him. He does that by lying to people, stealing, killing and destroying. The devil’s plan is to take your life prematurely. You recall he did it with Judas Iscariot whom he deceived into betraying the son of God. Meanwhile, we need to do everything in our power not to die before our time. In our last post, we observed that although Jesus died at thirty-three, He did not die before His time.
So, whatever time you go to be with the Lord, we are trying to ensure it is according to God’s timing. We want to live as long as God has planned for us because that plan also includes a purpose. You already know God as a God of purpose. Heaven’s purpose for you includes not dying before your time and fulfilling God’s purpose for creating you. The bible says we were created to give God pleasure – everybody has a God-created purpose. It is the reason we set out on this Divine Health journey.
Fulfill Heaven’s Purpose
Some people say that missions are at the heart of Jesus’ trip to the earth. In other words, He was the first and best missionary and evangelist. Now, allow me to ask how your evangelism work is going. Not so well, I presume. And why do you think that is so. It is because we do not take a cue from Jesus. You recall we said He walked everywhere He went. Well, the spiritual reason for that is walking – instead of riding – allowed Him to meet people He would minister to.
Walking was a way for Him to fulfill Heaven’s purpose in His life. Jesus’ walking put Him among the people. Sadly, may of us are removed from the people and yet we want to evangelize. Jesus knew it would not happen if He rode on horses or donkeys and so he mingled by walking. In the same way, soul-winning cannot happen as we ride around in our cars. If you truly wish to fulfill Heaven’s purpose in your life, ditch your car and walk.
Riding around in your car is like Peter wanting to live on the Mount of transfiguration. The bible says he did not know what he was saying. The work is in the valley so Jesus took them back to the valley. In the same way, the people we want to win for the Kingdom are on the highways and byways of life. And it is as you walk among them you will be able to win some. That way, you will be able to fulfill Heaven’s purpose for your life.
Walking among the people is a win-win situation. Try it today. And keep going.
To Your health!