Allow me to ask you what type of Christianity you have. Perhaps you didn’t even know there were different types. But you surely observe that some Christians seem to be enjoying the Heavenly race while others are morose. Well then, you know the two types of Christianity even if you do not have names for them. I choose to call them exciting Christianity and horizontal Christianity.
Another word for the opposite of horizontal is vertical and so you can have horizontal Christianity or vertical Christianity. Now you may be wondering why this is important. It is because the vertical controls the horizontal; the spiritual controls the physical. Remember Job. When you get your relationship with God right, you will get on with people. And when you are right with God, He makes your Christianity exciting. You will have a daily adventure with God.
A few decades ago, a young lady wanted to know if Christians were supposed to be happy. I remember her till today because of the pain and sorrow that must have prompted such a question. But I also rejoiced with her for having the courage to ask. I assured her that Christians are the happiest people on earth. We have a home in heaven; Jesus is our big brother and God is our Father. I could go on and on.
But if you have horizontal Christianity like that lady, you will know nothing of this joy and adventure. Did I hear you say God forbid that your Christianity should be horizontal? I am with you there. With God as our father, you can jump out of bed every morning and ask, “what are we doing today?” Of course, you will go to work or whatever but the minute-by-minute play is in your father’s hands.
Religion Breeds Horizontal Christianity
Sadly, many who read this will wonder if I am insane to be talking about the joy of Christianity. No, I am not insane, and remember, a king once accused Apostle Paul of being insane. The reason the king said so and the reason you are thinking it are the same. You have no real relationship with the maker of Heaven and of earth. All you know is church religion and that breeds horizontal Christianity with its woes and defeat.
So, I ask you; in whom are you trusting to get to heaven? Your activities in church or a true relationship with Jesus? You see, religion can only point out to you why you need a savior. It tells you about how bad you are and focuses on your past. That is the work of the devil and I counsel you to leave him there – in the past. God focuses on your future and that is where you must go – with God – to avoid horizontal Christianity.
And how do you do that? Simply invite Jesus into your heart and He will come. Don’t try to do this openly since most of those are for mere show. In the privacy of your room, right now, issue an invitation to Jesus to take over the management of your life. And the horizontal Christianity will become exciting Christianity. Sorrow will give place to joy and defeat will turn to success. Try it now.