To celebrate Christmas this year, we want to introduce to you the best ever Christmas gift. We also like to mention that it is free. This gift is superior to all other gifts on so many other levels. However, we shall only consider a few of them this time. And what makes this the best ever Christmas gift? First and perhaps most significantly, this is an indescribable gift.
Imagine a gift so beautiful, so wonderful and yet so practical that words fail you when you try to tell your friend about it. You are probably now thinking that the best ever Christmas gift might be a car. That would be wrong, because some other person might receive a jet as their Christmas gift – depending on how deep their parents’ pockets are.
Your Best Ever Christmas Gift
On another level, the best ever Christmas gift is superior because the giver is also the gift. Let us say that your mom, (if you love your mom more than your dad) decides to give you what she considers the best ever Christmas gift. She plants herself under the tree on the evening before Christmas and stays there until you wake up in the morning. You rush downstairs to open your gift and she pops into your face, shouting, “I am your gift.” If you are like most of us, you are likely to be disappointed.
That would certainly not qualify as the best ever Christmas gift. Besides, if you are good with words, you can most definitely describe your own mom now, can’t you? Or perhaps your dad, seeing as you have shown interest in the sport, buys you a scooter. You are totally excited; that is, until you see your friend’s scooter. It is bigger and shinier. Instantly, you realize that you do not have the best ever Christmas gift, as your joy and excitement evaporate. We could go on painting different scenarios but none will serve to illustrate this particular Christmas gift.
Jesus Is The Best Ever Christmas Gift
The best ever Christmas gift is Jesus Christ. Surprisingly, He is also the giver of the gift. God gave Him to us at Christmas and He in turn gave His life as a sacrifice for our sins, as we read in Hebrews 9:14 “Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God.” From that verse, we see that not only is He the best ever Christmas gift, He is also eternal. How cool is that! Statistics show that a high percentage of Christmas gifts are either broken or discarded within a month of Christmas. But not this gift; it is not only eternal, it keeps giving. For ever and ever.
With Jesus in your life, you have peace. And peace is a very scarce item in the world right now. I had to agree with the makers of the Mary Poppins do-over the other day. They believe the world needs a Mary Poppins right about now. The reason is that Mary Poppins shows up whenever there is trouble and there seems to be trouble everywhere. United Nations was set up to bring peace but is struggling. Therefore, the need for peace is greater now than at any other time in the history of the world. And yet, you can have peace simply by accepting the best ever Christmas gift. In fact, Jesus is the Prince of peace.
Jesus Is A Comprehensive Gift
However, that is just the beginning. Jesus is a comprehensive gift. Imagine that the government of your life is upon His shoulders.
You no longer have to bear your own burden. No longer do you have to be concerned at how well or badly your President or Congress is performing. Because the best ever Christmas gift is undertaking to shoulder your life. Did we mention that He is wonderful? He is also the eternal counselor. Jesus is also the Mighty God. Think of that! This particular gift is the best ever because He is also God.
Not a weak God, mind you, but a God who has all power. With Him in your life, you can smile at the storm. You can tell the world to bring it on. The Mighty God is inside of you. And if that is not enough, the best ever Christmas gift is also a father. I hope you have a great human father and can therefore enjoy the thought of having this father as a gift. But think of it, even if you do not have a good earthly father, you have a great one waiting just in the wings.
A Gift Is Not A Gift Until It Is Received
Jesus is waiting for you to invite Him in. He will wipe away all the tears of your painful childhood. This gift will take the place of that absentee father. This best ever Christmas gift is waiting on you. Don’t leave Him out in the cold. God has already gifted us with Jesus but you know that a gift is not a gift until it is received. Each time I think of that, I am reminded of the young man who asked his father for a car. His father’s pockets were very deep, making this a reasonable request.
On Christmas morning, the father presented his son with a shiny bible. The young man was livid and as he left home, he promised to never return. The father was heartbroken and before too long, he developed a terminal illness. When the son heard that his father was at death’s door, he decided to come see his dad one last time. It was then he discovered that the bible contained a car key, which was still parked in the garage. The gift was comprehensive but he left it on the shelf.
Similarly, for different reasons, many of us leave Jesus on the shelf. We ignore the best ever Christmas gift because of its packaging. For Him to yield up His greatness to you, you have to actually accept Him. God says in John 1:12, “But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God.”
The Best Christmas Gift Is Free
Finally, you do not have to purchase this best ever gift. He is free. Please note that the gift is not without cost. Indeed, it is priceless. How do you calculate the price of buying back a human being from the clutches of Satan? You don’t because it is incalculable, but Jesus paid for it with His life. We are now free to love as we are loved.
If Jesus is not the best ever Christmas gift, who is? None. And the above characterization is but a poor job of describing Jesus. Words fail to try and describe Jesus, which is why the Apostle Paul concluded that He is indescribable. Totally. All you need to do is to be like Paul. After accepting the best ever Christmas gift, give thanks to God for Jesus. Paul exclaimed his gratitude, Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! 2 Corinthians 9:15. And please let your friends share in this most wonderful gift. Tell them about Jesus.
Also leave us a comment to let us know how this blessed you.
We Wish You A Merry And Christ-Filled Christmas,