By promising to be in the midst of two or three who gather together in His name, Jesus rigged church for the believer. He said where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” That is what I refer to as good rigging, different from our usual understanding of rigging. When humans rig a process, it is to try and deprive someone else of their rights.
But when Jesus rigged church for the believer, it worked to our advantage. However, before we consider the advantages, we must correct a common mistake that some churches make. It is an error that involves literally putting words in the Lord’s mouth. And it usually occurs in churches who put an emphasis on the number of members they have.
You have heard them deceitfully using the word of God, a practice that was evidently popular in the Corinthian church. Paul, writing to that church, needed to differentiate himself from those who practice acts that he described as shameful. Therefore, you must not think that the practice started today. They are totally unaware that Jesus rigged church for the believer.
In our particular example, pastors quote Jesus but add two words. “Where at least two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” Whenever pastors say so, they are suggesting that God hears our prayers according to the number of people at the prayer meeting. They reckon that God respects the prayers of crowds and not the prayer of a single believer.
Please take particular note of the lie in that concept. Because if this were true, God would not answer the prayer you offer in your closet, for instance.
Jesus Rigged Church For The Believer Who Is Alone
God gave me this understanding when I was at duty post where you could not bring your family. However, you do not need to be in such a dire situation for you to live alone. You could be divorced, or you could be in a traveling career, say a traveling salesman. Or your loved ones could be in other parts of the world for economic or other reasons.
It is impossible in the space available to paint all the scenarios in which a believer may find themselves alone. Be that as it may, you find yourself alone from time to time. Will you pray? Because, with the lie of the pastors, if you try to pray, God will not be there. No doubt, this lie has been discouraging believers from praying because they are not at least two or three. They fail to appreciate how Jesus rigged church for the believer
But is that what Jesus really meant when He made that promise? That unless you are two or three, He would not show up? Yes and no. And not at all, I am not speaking from both sides of my mouth. No, because Jesus was not referring to physical bodies present. And yes, He was referring to the Presence of God and of the Holy Spirit. This is precisely how Jesus rigged church for the believer.
You could be alone physically but if you are in God the Father and you have the Holy Spirit, there are already three of you! Praise God. I hope you got the import of that. As a believer, you can pray in your closet and Jesus is there in your midst.
On Patmos, Jesus Rigged Church For The Believer
As we earlier observed, it is impossible to paint all the scenarios in which a believer might find himself alone. But we must consider the case of John, the Evangelist or the Elder. His case is special because it was on this island that the entirety of the book of Revelation came to be.
If the ‘two or three’ in Jesus’ promise to be in our midst referred to physical bodies, the book of Revelation would not exist. John was obviously enjoying the presence of God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. This, despite him being there all alone as we would think when we consider only the flesh.
Or as the bible would say, when we walk by sight. However, John was not truly alone since Jesus rigged church for the believer. John was having church right there on the lonely Island. Perhaps that is why the songwriter says, “Never alone are the least of His children.”
Do you feel lonely from time to time? Please note that this question is not about you being physically alone. John was physically alone but he was certainly not lonely. In fact, he was very busy, downloading from heaven. The result of John’s divine download is the book of revelation, all twenty-two chapters.
This should bring you great comfort If you are ever in isolation. In his own case, it was because of the gospel but yours could be due to the death of loved ones or even coronavirus. It could be because you are ill in bed and need the ministrations of Jesus for healing. That hospital bed immediately becomes your church and the power will be abundant to heal.
You Can Have Church Anywhere
Is that not the same thought that Jesus expressed to the woman at the well in Sychar? He told her how this mountain was not the church, how she should worship in Spirit and in truth. God is searching for you if you have this understanding. And when God finds you, you know you have the fullness of joy that is available in His presence.
Don’t let anyone, pastor or not, limit your access to God by making it all about physical numbers. With God in your life, and the Holy Spirit guiding you, you can have church anywhere. Jesus promises to show up. Truly, we see that Jesus rigged church for the believer.
Of course, you must have invited Jesus into your life for this to hold true for you. You see, many of us forget that the Holy Spirit is a gift from Jesus. We got the Holy Spirit only because Jesus sent Him. You recall the time He told His disciples that He had to return home to Heaven and the believers were sad. He assured them that only by His going away will they get the Holy Spirit, whom He will send
So, unless you have Jesus and are glorifying Him in your life, any manifestation of the Holy Spirit in your life is fake. Here is how the bible characterizes that idea. “For the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.”
On the contrary, with Jesus in you, anywhere you find yourself instantly becomes a church. Jesus rigged church for the believer, seriously.