I am willing to wager that most modern-day preachers cannot make the same claims that Apostle Paul made. He declared, for instance, that he owed no one anything. One of his more relevant claims was “we are not like so many peddling the word of God.” It is the claim we want to highlight now because it seems to have slipped into the sea of forgetfulness.
Even back then, it seemed that so many peddled the word of God. What does it mean to peddle? This question is not so much to understand the meaning of the word per se. But it is an important question because this verse applies it to the word of God. If we take the dictionary meaning of “trying to sell something from door to door” it looks bad. Especially when you apply the concept to the word of God.
How do you peddle the word of God when it has been freely given to you? You want to make monetary gain from the gospel. And if that reminds you of a snake oil salesman, so be it. That would be because the only way to peddle the word of God is to fraudulently adulterate it.
And no, I am not speaking of your favorite televangelist. Although it could apply to him or her. You have to determine that by yourself. Suffice it to say that very few modern-day pastors can boldly lay claim to it.
Most Pastors Are Like So Many, Peddling The Word Of God
In fact, they are like so many, peddling the word of God. Please note that our objective here is never to denigrate any preacher. A man or woman has to do what they have to do, like the snake oil merchant. Our goal has always been to motivate you to consider your end.
Because if your pastor or priest is making money from the word of God, where does that leave you? Will he be able to boldly preach the word? Will he submit to the Holy Spirit or to the other spirit? That other spirit is often called mammon or the love of money.
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As you know, both from scriptures and from experience, no one can serve both masters. He will love one and despise the other. If your pastor is like so many peddling the word of God, he loves money. This conclusion is not open to controversy. Take that to its logical conclusion and you see that your pastor despises the Holy Spirit. Ouch!
So, if your pastor is under the guidance of the other spirit, where is his preaching leading you? Unfortunately for most churchgoers, their pastors are like many, peddling the word of God. As far as these pastors can tell, the word of God is simply another mercantile product. Why should they not sell it and make a profit from it?
If you give a thousand dollars, you will have a home in heaven. And, no, this phenomenon is not limited to the popular televangelist. Don’t forget, there are so many, peddling the word of God. They neglect to tell you that the mortgage for your home in Heaven has already been paid. Jesus paid it all with His death on the cross.
Your Final Destination With A Pastor Who Peddles The Word Of God
With a pastor who despises the Holy Spirit, where do you suppose you might end up after death? You may think that it does not matter but eternity is much longer than our maximum time on earth. At best, you will live to be 120 years. After that comes eternity. And what happens to you then mostly depends on whom your pastor listens to.
If he is taking instructions from God’s Holy Spirit, you are likely to end up with God. But if he is listening to the devil’s mammon spirit, you will end up in hell. Do you not know that the one to whom you submit is your master? And who your master is, is whom you end up with.
And here you are, faithfully serving in church without realizing that the devil is your master until it is too late. Unless you take this teaching to heart and examine the source of your pastor’s instructions. If he is like so many, peddling the word of God, please beware. He may not be overt like Benny Hinn. That is why the Bible cautions us to watch and pray.
Without that prayerful alertness, one may end up in hell. May that not be anybody’s portion.
Don’t Engage In Idle Talk
So, you are not a preacher or a priest. Consequently, you believe that this is not talking about you. You have decided to accept the advice to watch and pray. That way, you do not end up in hell. That tack is extremely is commendable but your responsibility does not end there.
Someone is listening to you. It could be your own child. Or if you are a school teacher or a board member, you are influencing someone somewhere. Are you guilelessly repeating what your thieving pastor has influenced you with? Give money and you will have a home on high? Beware.
Don’t emulate the many, peddling the word of God. It does not matter that you do not make a monetary profit from it. The Bible is quite clear that we shall give an account of every idle word we speak. Ensure that you know that every word that comes out of your mouth aligns with the word of God.
Naturally, that means you must be up to speed with your bible study. Otherwise, you may find yourself repeating lies and misrepresenting God. Of course, you won’t be the first person to do that. We all fall short of God’s glorious ideal but unless we appreciate our error, we will continue in it. Job’s friends had to come to Job for prayers after they misrepresented God.
Similarly, whenever we discover that we have misrepresented God, we must immediately come to God in repentance. Otherwise, we shall become like many, peddling the word of God. Then we must study to show ourselves approved, never to be ashamed.

Hmm, this story of a snake oil salesman could be some interesting read. But a quick question here, “In a 21st Century scenario, what is the best pointer that Money has become a person’s master in a decision making process ?” Second question: “To ‘Watch and Pray’, does it condemn the common practice around most church gatherings where congregants are encouraged to pray with their eyes closed ?” I look forward to your answers asap