The sleeping pill business is worth billions of dollars. The industry makes all that money from people who would give anything for some sleep. If we would realize that rest comes last, we could stop paying all that money. But many of us think rest should come first. And without a doubt, rest is important,…
Avoid Burnout
We needed to do this post in case the last post did not make clear what Elijah suffered from. It resulted in depression for that great man of God, who had been able to call down fire from heaven. We observed that as a result, his ministry was cut short. So, the purpose of this…
Forgot To Rest
In our previous post, we observed that Jesus knew the value of rest. God the Father too gave us an example by resting on the seventh day. Keep in mind, all this talk of health is so you do not die prematurely. It is possible that those who die before their time will fail to…
God Is Not Weary
Welcome to the next section of our series on Divine Health, which we started at the dawn of this year. We have dealt with Mental Health, Nutrition and Exercise. These are all necessary for a healthy state. We also observed that you need to be healthy so as to increase your chances of fulfilling God’s…
Physical Exercise At Creation
In an earlier post, we saw how God the Father put His apron on to create you and me. Some of us may feel it is too high a standard to try and be exactly like God. And that is understandable, so, we turn our attention to His creatures – Adam and Eve. Did they…
Other Forms Of Exercise
We saw how Jesus walked everywhere, and everywhere he went, He was doing good. And so can we. But before we forget why we set out on this journey, we want to ask ourselves one more question. Did Jesus participate in other forms of exercise from which we can learn lessons? The answer is yes….