Have you ever wondered why Jesus and His disciples remained in good health throughout His earthly Ministry? Why was it they never took ill? The first reason of course is that He is the Son of God, our healer, Jehovah Rapha. There is no sickness in his home country of Heaven. But there is another…
How To Eat
In our next Divine Health post, we shall be considering how a bit of dirt in our food is desirable. For today, we look at how to eat the food that you chose, perhaps based on our last post. I am sure you didn’t know there were so many aspects to eating your food. You…
What You Eat
Hopefully, what you eat is a personal choice. Why hopefully, you may wonder. it is because some people are too poor to eat what they desire. Others may be in jail and have to eat whatever is on the menu. But we sincerely hope you are not in either of those categories as we continue…
The Creation Diet
Today is when our posts pivot to nutrition in our series on Divine Health. This is the post that went missing last week. We are resending it for your full benefit. You may recall that we spent the past four months on mental health. Expectedly, the posts to come in this aspect of the series…
Religious Malice
You may have felt that mental health topics do not apply to you as we considered them these past months. Except perhaps the positive ones such as the one on how to be happy. That’s right, we all love positive topics but the truth is that life is a mix of good and bad. All…
Divine Balance
When I used to be a part of a gardening community, I learned a whole lot about nature. For instance, one of us planted blue tomatoes which were very beautiful and glossy. When asked how they tasted, her face fell. Reportedly, they tasted like nothing, close to water. And that brought up the concept that…