As followers of a God who is love, we must care for one another. But when it comes to peoples’ opinions of us, we do not care. Caring about peoples opinions brings a sname and can cause you to fear them more than you fear God, a very dangerous situation indeed.
Gossiping God
By all means, be a gossiper but ensure you are gossiping God. It of remembrance for you means you fear God and it comes with a host of benefits. God opens a book of remembrance for you, claims you as His own and cause the Sun of Righteousness to arise for you with healing in His wings. Start gossiping God today
Help My Unbelief
We come to how it is possible for a man or woman of faith to require help with unbelief. What is it that will cause me to come to Jesus and say, Lord, I believe; help my unbelief? For one thing, if you did not believe, you would not be coming to Jesus. Definitely, you would not be referring to Him as Lord. So you do believe is why Jesus is your Lord. So, how about the ‘help my unbelief’ part? How does that jibe with your being a man of faith?
These are all very great questions and until we truly get it, we may hide our need for help with unbelief. Let me use myself as an example here and I don’t do this often. However, sorting out this seeming paradox is sufficiently important for me to break my own rules. Being a medical doctor, I am aware of the sinister nature of every symptom in my body. Every cough, every blood stain, every cramp that a non-doctor would overlook throws me into panic mode.
Doing Church
When they witnessed the resurrection, the disciples were rearing to go and tell the good news to the world. However, Jesus knew they would struggle unless they got divine power. At best, they would be doing church, going through the empty motions of having a worship service. Jesus recognized that and yet these were the very people He was depending on to build His church.
If they went without power, they were likely to fail and that would not augur well for the church. So, he asked them to do the difficult now so that they would not have to do the impossible later. He wanted them to wait for power so that they would be the church and not merely be doing church.
Vain Worship
Jesus says God is seeking true worshippers. Think of what the opposite of that thought is. God is shunning vain worshippers. And Jesus confirms that when he called such people hypocrites. Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying: ‘These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips. But their heart is far from Me. “
No Condemnation
This is not a new concept; that there is no condemnation for me represents the bedrock of my faith. And I hope it is the same for you as well. However, it was sitting in the recesses of my mind until recently during a conversation. It transpired that both of us had failed in one…