I am willing to say you thought the title should be ‘demons of unbelief’ but there is no mistake. We meant to say ‘demons or unbelief’ as in, one or the other. We read how, on one fateful day, a man brought his son to the ones he saw following Jesus. You could say they…
Lawless Laborers
Please don’t do another day of work in the church until you get right with Jesus. Once you invite Jesus into your life, you can start working and zealously too. Then and only then will you hear the good response from Jesus. “Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things. I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.” I pray that you and I will hear that on the last day.
We shall not be like the lawless laborers whom Jesus did not know and whom He did not accept into heaven. To them, Jesus said “I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!” And all because they failed to invite Jesus into their lives.
Malachi For Priests
In this Malachi for priests, the priests were guilty and God was very angry with them. But their guilt had nothing to do with offering defiled animals or tithing. That is on you and me for bringing soiled currencies or stuff that does not cost us. It is on us that we are not more like King David. He refused to offer anything that did not really cost him.
I have been in a congregation where they raised six million US dollars in one week. Why? Because their pastor did not teach church but focused on God. They consequently knew enough of God to know that He is a great King. And that his name is to be feared among the nations. But your pastors who focus on giving and service fail to let you into an important secret. God said he has appointed us to be priests and kings unto Himself. What God was accusing the priests of was their failure to teach the people about God. They were guilty of teaching the people of God about the church.
Great Exchange
This is the same way the bible would define righteousness but because God weighs the heart, a problem could arise. As you are reading this post, what are your thoughts? Are they pure or morally upright? Would you say your thoughts are in right standing with God? In other words, do you think as Jesus would think? I am willing to say, without controversy, that the answers would be mostly negative.
That is, unless you do what the Apostle Paul advises in Philippians 2.5, a critical portion of the great exchange. Paul says, “Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.” Until you start thinking like Jesus, all your righteousness is as filthy rags. So, Paul tells us to exchange our filthy minds for the mind of Christ. Go to Him with your dirty mind and return with a righteous mind.
Spiritual Memory
If you do not thank God often, you have a failing memory. Someone said it is like having spiritual Alzheimer’s, a disease that causes memory loss. It can become so severe that suffers forget their children and their spouses. How can you thank someone you don’t remember knowing? All you can say is, “who are you again?”
Believers With Poor Spiritual Memory behave that way to God. We may not quite be like Pharaoh who asked “who is God?” but we are quite close to him. Particularly when we complain and wonder what God has done for us lately. No doubt, you know some such believers who ask, “what has God done for me that I should thank Him?”
Horizontal Christianity
A few decades ago, a young lady wanted to know if Christians were supposed to be happy. I remember her till today because of the pain and sorrow that must have prompted such a question. But I also rejoiced with her for having the courage to ask. I assured her that Christians are the happiest people on earth. We have a home in heaven; Jesus is our big brother and God is our Father. I could go on.
But if you have flat Christianity like that lady, you will know nothing of this joy and adventure. Did I hear you say God forbid that your Christianity should be flat? I am with you there. With God as our father, you can jump out of bed every morning and ask, “what are we doing today?” Of course, you will go to work or whatever but the minute-by-minute play is in your father’s hands. Unfortunately, religion breeds flat christianity.