Whether we know it or not, every decision we make in life has a tradeoff. A tradeoff is one reason we reject the opposite act. We are constantly making choices, deals, and bargains. You win some, you lose some is one way the world describes our constant bargaining. Sadly, many of us make unwise bargains…
Two Places Of Employment
Both in the secular and the spiritual, each of us has an option of two places of employment. The first location, which we see described in Genesis, is Eden. Contrary to what some believers who simply want to spend 24/7 ’praying’ think, God actually created work. After He created the garden, He put the man…
Mountain Top Living
The Lord Jesus knows what He will do trust Him.
The Lord always knows what He Himself will do in all situations or challenges that we face. The unfortunate thing is that we make him our last resort instead of our first resort. The story of the multiplication of 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes is a remarkable one but what makes it more…
Embrace The Plateaus Of Life
The best life likely improves in a spiral – an upward spiral, that is, as opposed to a downward spiral. For the rest of us, life is a series of climbs interspersed with a series of plateaus. And we waste less energy when we learn to embrace the plateaus of life. The sad thing is…
The Caterpillar And The Butterfly
No, I don’t have a degree in nature study but Jesus Christ often employed nature to illustrate biblical truths. And just like our Savior, we too shall be turning to nature to illustrate our topic today. For that, we turn to the caterpillar and the butterfly. We consider these two creatures because we want to…