Many believers think of money as irrevocably belonging to God. And if you are one of such Christians, you immediately think this post is about money. Wrong, wrong, wrong. He gave us money and other blessings to fully enjoy. It therefore only indirectly matters to God what you do with your money. Why indirectly? He…
Everyone Is A Slave To Someone
The children of Israel expressed great annoyance when Jesus suggested they needed to become free. They answered Him, “We are Abraham’s descendants, and have never been in bondage to anyone. How can You say, You will be made free?” what they did not know is that everyone is a slave to someone. Please find time to…
What You Constantly Consider
I once heard a preacher talk about scoring a goal at soccer. According to him, you have to constantly look at the goalposts both with your eyes and your mind. Now, I don’t play football or soccer so I cannot dispute his stated strategy. What I do know is that you eventually become what you…
The Devil Is Extremely Clever
Have you never wondered why believers keep falling into sin day after day? We sin, we ask for forgiveness, God forgives us, and tomorrow, we are at it all over again. It happens because we fail to recognize that the devil is extremely clever. Please note that he is not powerful since all power belongs…
We Need The Presence Of The Lord
Many of us love and enjoy the presence of family, friends, and loved ones. So it is with being in the presence of the Lord Jesus. But how can we pursue the presence of Jesus Christ so we will enjoy His presence? His presence is the most awesome and wonderful thing that can happen to…
The Promise Of The Father To Us
When Jesus first made this promise known, He was at the tail end of His earthly ministry. He made a declaration of giving the promise of the Father to us. Now, you may not even know to what or whom we refer here. Jesus said of Him that you shall receive power when the Holy…