When I first relocated to this country, I met a Reverend gentle lady. Her remarks about church and pastors have stayed with me all these years. She had groused then about how pastors are always giving you instructions, telling you what to do. With the passage of time, I have observed just how accurate she…
Understand The Power Of Faith
Permit me to assume that you are a believer or that you are interested in becoming a follower of Jesus. That immediately implies that we all have faith in God. But if we are honest, we know that some Christians’ faith seems to work more miracles than ours. In fact, our faith does not accomplish…
Strategy For Sustained Victory
There is a very amusing word picture in the bible. In that image, we see God’s people described as two little flocks of goats, but they are at war. Meanwhile, you see their enemy filling the countryside, a huge army. You have to wonder what such a pitiable army is doing going to war. Why…
He Is Not Here But He Is Risen!
Before we finally bid goodbye to the Easter season this year, we visit another of its aspects. Unlike the aspect we considered last week, this is one we all know very well. We love the resurrection even as we shun the suffering and the death. What you may not appreciate is how this week’s topic…
The Temple Veil Is Torn Forever
Allow us at Heaven Readiness to wish you a belated Happy Easter. May the joy and power of Jesus’ resurrection be your portion now and forever. Before we move away from the season, there is a little item in the Easter story that deserves a second look. It is the fact that the temple veil…
You May Have Life More Abundantly
When Jesus declared that He came so that you may have life and have life more abundantly, to what was he referring? Now, if you are living a life that is the envy of your friends, you may wonder why this post. You believe that you know what Jesus was talking about because you are…